Touching the Covid-19 Pandemic Impacts on Malaysian Older Adult Online Shopping Behaviours: A Marketing Business Review
Online ShoppingOlder Adult, Online Shopping Behaviours, Malaysia, PandemicAbstract
The recent crisis of COVID-19 outbreaks can be seen to impacts all people in the world, especially older adult who need to exercise more caution and awareness when interacting with other people as they have higher chances of experiencing health issue if infected. This can be seen to affect older adult purchasing behaviors as well as they are pushed to accept and apply online shopping in their daily life to prevent a potentially life-threatening interaction with other people when they shop at a physical store. Statistics report reveals that older adult in Malaysia have becoming active in online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak period. This show that Malaysian older adult has exhibit more acceptance towards online shopping and have been adopting this innovation during the pandemic period. To better understand how older adult individuals developed their acceptance behaviors towards online shopping, this study has performed an extensive review on past literature. The review identified several theories and models that were applied by scholars to investigate older adult behaviors towards technologies such as online shopping. Through this review, this study hopes to provide future scholars with knowledge pertaining the current perceptions and behaviors of Malaysian older adult towards online shopping while also contributing to the literature regarding the potential theories and models that can be used to explains older adult acceptance and behaviors towards technologies such as online shopping. In addition, this paper also reviews past literature and report pertaining older adult behaviors towards online shopping in terms of before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, while seeking to generate insight on the future online shopping behaviors among older adult after the end of the outbreak.
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