The Impact of Working Capital Management on the performance of Listed Firms: Evidence of an Emerging Economy
emerging economy, Ghana, performance, profitability, working capital managementAbstract
The aim/purpose of this scientific inquiry is to empirically examine the impact of working capital management (WCM) [cash conversion cycle (CCC), number of days inventory (INV), number of days account receivable (AR), number of days account payable (AP)] and control variables [sales growth (GROW), size (SIZE), leverage (LEV), current ratio (CR) fixed financial assets to total assets (FFA)] on firm performance (FP) [ROA, Tobin’s Q (TQ)] in the context of an emerging economy, Ghana. The research used a dynamic panel System of Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) to test the hypotheses. Utilizing financial data extracted from final accounts of 36 listed companies, spanning 2010-2019, the study examined WCM-performance-nexuses by following the methodologies of researchers/scholars in extant literature. Findings/Results indicates that, whilst INV, AR, LEV demonstrated negative/inverse/indirect associations with FP; AP, GROW, SIZE, CR, FFA depicted positive/direct associations with FP. CCC however, exhibited a quadratic concave relationship with ROA.
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