Obligatory Expenditure by Woman of Means to Her Close Relatives and its Relation to Almsgiving’s (Zakat) Deduction


  • Mansor Sulaiman Pusat Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia.
  • Hasan Ahmad Pusat Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia.



Mandatory spending, zakat (almsgiving),, had al-kifayah (standard of living expenses), women of means, Nafkah wajib, zakat, had al-kifayah, wanita berkerjaya


Abtract: This article is about the issue of obligatory expenditure by a better-off woman to her close relatives and its relation with zakat deduction from her income. It has to be raised considering that the issue of zakat deduction for better-off woman is a relatively new and not widely discussed in Malaysia and there are still aspects of individual income deduction that have not been detailed from a jurisprudence perspective.  The purpose of this article is to embark into in-depth study of issues related to this obligatory expenditure of a woman towards their relatives from the point of view of jurisprudence and then suggest the appropriate elements which could be deducted for zakat from her income. For further discussion, this article mainly conducts library research to achieve the stated objective. Among the references are taken the collection of jurisprudence books based on Shafii school of thought, then followed by other fiqh works that feature the views from myriad schools of thought as well as contemporary fiqh writings for deeper comparative study and analysis. This article also refers to the exegesis of al-Quran and al-Hadith for further understanding in the texts that are used as references by the jurists in their writings that have been referred to. The result of this study suggests the explanation of a woman's obligatory expenditure responsibility to relatives in the categories of the usul (father up above) and furu' (son/daughter down below) and the proper elements of zakat deduction. This article also suggests the giving of zakat to those who are not in the obligatory spending category as well as suggestions to facilitate the authorities in providing zakat to this group.


Abstrak: Tulisan ini adalah berkenaan persoalan nafkah wajib seorang wanita yang memiliki harta sendiri kepada kaum kerabat dan hubungannya dengan tolakan zakat pendapatan. Ia dikemukakan memandangkan isu tolakan zakat merupakan perkara agak baharu dibincangkan di Malaysia dan masih terdapat aspek-aspek tolakan individu yang belum diperincikan dari perspektif fiqh. Oleh kerana itu, tujuan tulisan ini adalah mengkaji isu-isu berkenaan nafkah wajib seorang wanita terhadap kerabat mereka dari sudut fiqh seterusnya mencadangkan bentuk tolakan zakat pendapatan yang bersesuaian. Untuk itu, tulisan ini menggunakan kajian perpustakaan sepenuhnya untuk mencapai objektif yang telah digariskan tersebut. Antara rujukannya adalah bermula dengan kitab-kitab fiqh dalam koleksi fiqh Shafii, seterusnya diikuti dengan tulisan-tulisan fiqh yang menampilkan pandangan pelbagai mazhab serta tulisan-tulisan fiqh kontemporari sebagai perbandingan dan analisis yang lebih mendalam. Tulisan ini juga merujuk tafsir al-Quran dan al-Hadis bagi melihat dengan lebih mendalam nas-nas yang dijadikan rujukan oleh fuqaha’ dalam tulisan-tulisan yang telah dirujuk. Hasil daripada tulisan ini adalah penjelasan tentang tanggungjawab nafkah wajib seorang wanita kepada kerabat dalam kategori usul dan furu’ serta bentuk tolakan zakat yang sepatutnya. Tulisan ini juga mencadangkan pemberian zakat kepada kerabat yang terkeluar daripada kategori wajib nafkah untuk mereka serta cadangan kepada pihak berautoriti agar memudahkan pemberian zakat kepada golongan ini.




How to Cite

Sulaiman, M., & Ahmad, H. (2022). PEMBERIAN NAFKAH WAJIB SEORANG WANITA BERPENDAPATAN KEPADA KERABAT DAN HUBUNGANNYA DENGAN TOLAKAN ZAKAT PENDAPATAN : Obligatory Expenditure by Woman of Means to Her Close Relatives and its Relation to Almsgiving’s (Zakat) Deduction. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 7(2), 28–34.



Islamic Studies