The Relationship Between Principal's Contextual Leadership and Teacher's Well-being at Work: Teacher Empowerment as a Mediator
Contextual leadership of school principals, Teacher empowerment, Teacher well-being at workAbstract
This study was conducted to identify the level of principals' contextual leadership practices, teacher empowerment and teacher well-being at work and to see the influence of teacher empowerment as a mediating variable on the relationship between principals' contextual leadership and teacher well-being at work. A cross-sectional survey was used to collect data involving daily secondary school teachers in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. A total of 371 teachers from a total population of 10,866 were selected based on the stratified sampling method. The Teacher Well-being in the Workplace Instrument which was adapted by Yusni Zaini (2015) was used to measure the variables of teacher well-being in the workplace while the Principal Contextual Leadership instrument (MyCLIPS) was built by the researcher to measure the contextual leadership variables of the principal in the Malaysian context. The School Participation Empowerment Scale (SPES) instrument by Short and Rinehart (1992) has been adapted and modified based on the context of the study and has also been used to measure teacher empowerment variables. Structural path analysis between constructs in the Structured Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS Version 24 software was used to see the mutual influence of a construct with other constructs in the study. Structural path analysis in the Structured Equation Model (SEM) showed that teacher empowerment acted as a significant full mediator of the relationship between principals' contextual leadership and teacher well-being at work. The results of this study strengthen Theory Z introduced by Ouchi (1981) in human resource management. The study found that the relationship between the principal's contextual leadership and the well-being of teachers at work was only significant with the principal's leadership practices that enable the teachers in their assignments. The Bootrapping test confirmed the mediator role in the relationship which is (p= 0.002).
Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti tahap amalan kepimpinan kontekstual pengetua, pengupayaan guru dan kesejahteraan guru di tempat kerja serta melihat pengaruh pengupayaan guru sebagai pemboleh ubah pengantara terhadap hubungan kepimpinan kontekstual pengetua dengan kesejahteraan guru di tempat kerja. Tinjauan kajian rentas digunakan bagi mengumpul data yang melibatkan guru sekolah menengah harian Negeri Kelantan, Malaysia. Seramai 371 orang guru daripada jumlah populasi 10866 telah dipilih berdasarkan kaedah persampelan berperingkat. Instrumen Kesejahteraan Guru di Tempat Kerja yang telah diadaptasi oleh Yusni Zaini (2015) digunakan untuk mengukur pemboleh ubah kesejahteraan guru di tempat kerja manakala instrumen Kepimpinan Kontekstual Pengetua (MyCLIPS) telah dibina oleh pengkaji bagi mengukur pemboleh ubah kepimpinan kontekstual pengetua dalam konteks Malaysia. Instrumen School Participation Empowerment Scale (SPES) oleh Short dan Rinehart (1992) telah diadaptasi dan dimodifikasi berdasarkan konteks kajian juga telah digunakan bagi mengukur pemboleh ubah pengupayaan guru. Analisis laluan struktural antara konstruk dalam Model Persamaan Berstruktur (SEM) dengan perisian AMOS Versi 24 digunakan bagi melihat saling pengaruh sesuatu konstruk dengan konstruk yang lain dalam kajian. Analisis laluan struktural dalam Model Persamaan Berstruktur (SEM) menunjukkan bahawa pengupayaan guru berperanan sebagai pengantara penuh yang signifikan bagi hubungan di antara kepimpinan kontekstual pengetua dengan kesejahteraan guru di tempat kerja. Hasil kajian ini mengukuhkan Teori Z yang diperkenalkan oleh Ouchi (1981) dalam pengurusan sumber manusia. Kajian mendapati hubungan di antara kepimpinan kontekstual pengetua dengan kesejahteraan guru di tempat kerja hanya signifikan dengan amalan kepimpinan pengetua yang mengupaya guru-guru dalam tugasan mereka. Ujian Bootrapping mengesahkan peranan mediator dalam hubungan tersebut iaitu (p= 0.002).
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