Energy Absorption Performance of A Rain Forest Vehicle under Frontal Impact
Finite element; crash analysis; crashworthiness; vehicle; simulation.Abstract
This paper presents a comprehensive numerical study of the crashworthy design of a rain forest vehicle (RFV) subjected to impact loading. A commercial finite element (FE) nonlinear code, LSDYNA, was employed to further evaluate the energy absorption performance of the structure under two crash scenarios; impacting a rigid wall and a rigid pole. The simulation results were used to identify the energy absorption capacity of the main subcomponent, thus facilitating crashworthiness requirements for future design improvements. The aims of this investigation were to enhance understanding of RFV behavior under impact loading and improve energy absorption capacity and safety, which will contribute towards the development of an early design stage of the RFV, and design and evaluation that may lessen the need for destructive full-scale testing. Recommendations and suggestions for improving the energy absorption capacity of RFVs have been made. A considerable improvement in energy absorption capacity has been obtained by inclusion of a supplementary device attached to the main chassis. These simplified provisions provide design guidelines that will considerably improve an operator’s chances of survival during an accidental impact in the forest.
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