The effect of Aegle marmelos shell particles volume fraction on hardness, toughness, and wear rate of epoxy matrix composites as motorcycle brake pads
Aegle marmelos shell particles , Hardness, Motorcycle brake pads, Toughness, Wear rateAbstract
The utilization of Aegle marmelos shell particles is not optimal yet. Composite brake pads are currently being developed because they are eco-friendly and heat resistant compared to non-asbestos brake pads. This research attempt to analyze the volume fraction of Aegle marmelos shell particles on the measure of hardness, toughness, and wear of epoxy matrix composites as an alternative material for motorcycle brake pads. The design of this research uses a true experimental design with a posttest-only design type, there is an experimental group (composite) and a control group (Indoparts brand brake pads). The results show the most optimal measure is found in volume 30% with a hardness measure of 79.5 HRB, toughness 0.01312 J/mm2, wear 2.008 x 10-6 mm2/kg. It shows that the more particles volume, the composite strength will increase. This measure is closest to the measure of the Indoparts motorcycle brake pads. Therefore, Aegle marmelos shell particles composite can be recommended as an alternative material for motorcycle brake pads.
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