Modeling, analysis and PID controller implementation on suspension system for quarter vehicle model
State-space equation, Proportional-integral, Differential controller, Dissimilar road profileAbstract
The aim of this research is to acquire a mathematical model for the quarter vehicle model's passive and active suspension system and to build an active and passive suspension control for a quarter-vehicle model. The passive design of the suspension scheme is a compromise between vehicle handling capacity and passenger ride comfort. Passive suspension provides one of these two circumstances that conflict. Current car suspension systems use passive components only by using a coefficient of spring and damping with a fixed coefficient and two degrees of freedom. In the design and manufacture of cars, passenger comfort is a very significant parameter. The objective of the active suspension system is to enhance both the comfort of the ride and the handling of the highway by directly regulating the actuators of suspension power. In the active suspension system, the Proportional Integral Differential Controller (PID) method is applied. Various kinds of highway profiles and controllers such as P, PD, PI, and PID controllers evaluate the efficiency of the active suspension system comparing it with passive suspension scheme. This efficiency will be determined by using the MATLAB and SIMULINK to perform computer simulations.
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