Static and dynamic analysis of different MYSat frame structure
modular, monoblock, frame design, modal, random vibration, MYSat, CubeSat, structural analysisAbstract
The development of CubeSats have been advanced following the miniaturization of electronic components. While CubeSats have been extensive used in various missions, most prior research has focused on validating their structural design to comply with deployer requirements. Thus, leaving a gap in understanding the structural performance of different CubeSat frame configurations. This study analyzes two MYSat CubeSat frame designs: modular and monoblock and were conducted using the ANSYS Mechanical package to assess and compare the mechanical properties of each design. The results showed that the modular frame exhibited greater deformation of 4.4 × 10⁻⁷ m and a von Mises stress of 0.74 MPa in the stowed configuration compared to the monoblock. During launch, the modular frame displayed higher deformation and stress under Orbital Cygnus launcher conditions, with natural frequencies of 679.99 Hz and 677.88 Hz for the modular and monoblock frames, respectively. Under PSLV launch conditions, peak stresses were 12.70 MPa for the modular frame and 16.39 MPa for the monoblock frame during random vibration analysis. Stress concentrations were primarily observed at standoffs supporting circuit boards, posing potential risks of loosening or damage. Despite these findings, both designs remained within the Al-6061 yield strength, ensuring structural integrity. This research highlights the importance of evaluating different CubeSat configurations to optimize their design for better resilience under launch stresses and suggests further analysis incorporating larger satellite components to enhance the accuracy of structural performance assessments.
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