Ergonomics Study of Rostrum Design
Rostrum, Ergonomic, Design, Anthopometry, SpeakerAbstract
Ergonomics design has been demanded and considered the main effective factor in preventing ergonomics hazards for the user for the last several decades. The design of a product should be based on human factors and anthropometry to ensure a good fit between the product and people. It is also to increase comfort and safety. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the element of ergonomics in the rostrum design used in the school in Kulim Kedah, Malaysia. There are four (4) ergonomic dimension criteria that were used to check the fifteen (15) samples of the rostrum. The rostrum dimensions are compared to the ergonomic dimensions range of the workbench for standing operation from the previous study and established guidelines. The results are described in frequencies and percentages. The result shows that 80% of the rostrum meets the ergonomics design criteria. To achieve a 100% ergonomic rostrum, the product designers must be knowledgeable about ergonomic design and aware of its significance for the user.
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