Optimization of offset and cant angle winglet on remote control airplane using Taguchi – Particle swarm optimization
Cant angle, Offset winglet, Remote Control plane, Taguchi, PSOAbstract
Incorporating winglets into aircraft has been empirically proven to notably improve aerodynamic efficiency by reducing vortex-induced effects at the wingtips. However, conducting comprehensive investigations necessitates the exploration of numerous winglet factors and value variations. This study pertains to remote control aircraft winglets, focusing on manipulating cant angle and offset factors across four distinct values. Two primary objectives guide this research: firstly, the maximization Cl/Cdmax, and secondly, the minimization Cd₀. The Taguchi experimental design is employed to randomize the variations in offset and cant angle values systematically. These variations are then used to generate pivotal regression values in the subsequent particle swarm optimization (PSO). The variance analysis evaluates the impact of winglet-related variables on each research goal. Additionally, the winglet design incorporates the open-source XFLR5 software, an accessible resource for aeromodelling clubs in Indonesia. XFLR5 enables the investigation of aerodynamic parameters across various angles of incidence and plays a crucial role in this research. The results of this study reveal that the Taguchi method yields two distinct combinations of factor values, aligning with the two primary research objectives. Conversely, particle swarm optimization generates a combination that effectively addresses both objectives. A comparative analysis of the winglet factor combinations from Taguchi and PSO underscores the greater efficiency of the PSO method in optimizing winglet variations for two distinct objectives.
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