Gear fault detection using artificial neural networks with discrete wavelet transform and principal component analysis


  • M. Er-raoudi Industrial Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of science and technology Beni Mellal, Morocco
  • M. Diany Industrial Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of science and technology Beni Mellal, Morocco
  • H. Aissaoui Sustainable development Laboratory, Faculty of science and technology Beni Mellal, Morocco
  • M. Mabrouki Industrial Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of science and technology Beni Mellal, Morocco



Monitoring; Fault; Gears; classification; Neural Networks.


The current work aims to develop a classification method devoted to gear defect diagnosis. In this paper, the proposed classification method is based on the Neural Networks, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis. A gearbox system with six degrees of freedom (DOF) is simulated in MATLAB and Simulink. Defects are introduced in the model by the meshing stiffness function which is computed by considering in series the bending, shear, axial compressive, fillet foundation and Hertzian stiffness. The signals dataset is collected by changing system or defect parameters. In addition, an experimental data is tested with the proposed method. Signal features are extracted using the Discrete Wavelet Transform with the Principal Component Analysis. This method allows us to classify the extracted features into two classes, healthy and faulty, with a good rate of correct classification. Both simulated and experimental data are tested with the proposed method.


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How to Cite

“Gear fault detection using artificial neural networks with discrete wavelet transform and principal component analysis”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 2016–2029, Sep. 2016, doi: 10.15282/jmes.10.2.2016.6.0190.

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