The effect of portable MQL applicator onto carbide insert during turning Inconel 718
Turning; metal cutting; minimum quantity lubrication; MQL applicator.Abstract
Turning operations are a versatile secondary metal cutting process. In metal cutting industry, manufacturing processes are designed to attain minimum manufacturing cost, best quality and improved cutting tool's performance. Nonetheless, the deterioration of cutting tools, occupational diseases amongst the workers and environmental aspects are increasingly becoming a major issue. Therefore, one alternative to reduce the impact of metal cutting activity in term of cutting tool, the health and environment is Portable MQL Applicator. The portable MQL applicator is an equipment that equipped with pneumatic system to deliver a small amount of fluid in the form of aerosol into the cutting zone. The effect of the portable MQL applicator was investigated and compared with the results from dry machining in terms of tool life and material removal rate in turning of Inconel 718 using carbide tool. The results showed that the applications of the portable MQL applicator have successfully resulted in better tool life and improved material removal rate.
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