Analysis and characterization of 20 PPI open cell aluminum foam under mechanical loading
Open cell aluminum foam, Characterization, Mechanical loading, Scanning electron microscopy, Alporas rout, Number of pores per inch (ppi)Abstract
In this research the analysis and characterization of open cell aluminium foam with 20 pores per inch (ppi) of Alporas rout under mechanical loading is presented in order to provide a basic understanding with respect to pore size per unit length for the right selection in various engineering applications. For this purpose, three point bending test, tensile test, compression test, vickers hardness test and charpy impact test were performed to seek out the respective properties of each test. All samples and test procedure were performed as per ASTM standards. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) will performed of the fractured surfaces of the specimens to investigate the failure mode. The SEM photograph shows that; some internal defects were found such as the tinny cracks some irregular shape holes in the cell wall which have been created during foaming process. The shredded cell wall is looked over which was ductile in nature and have occurred during flexural, tensile and charpy impact test. In compression; all pores are collapsed in plateau region, and some crumples and brittle tiny cracks are detected in densifications stage. Dislocation band also detected on the walls and struts of the effected sample of tensile and charpy impact test.
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