Investigation on the physical properties and diffusion layer phase transformation at the interface of Sialon-Duplex Stainless-Steel bonding
Bonding, interfaces, residual stresses, sialons, steelAbstract
Joining SiALON to duplex stainless steel utilizes the properties of two materials which may provide an opportunity for distinctive applications. Ceramic is hard and operates at a high temperature but it is brittle whereas metal is tough but it can work at a low temperature. The benefits of the best properties of both materials can be utilized by joining them. The objectives of the research work are to investigate the physical properties and the phase transformation at the interface and at the inter-diffusion layer in between the SiAlON and duplex stainless steel. The experiment incorporated nitriding, then diffusion bonding the duplex stainless steel using the hot press. Bonding was carried out at 1200°C for the holding times of 30 minutes and 1 hour. Metallography and micro analyses were conducted to achieve the above objectives. The study has demonstrated that 30 minutes joining time is sufficient to develop the thickness of the interface. However, 1 hour joining duration achieved cohesive and sound diffusion bonding of the SiAlON to duplex stainless steel. This is possible due to the formation of diffusion interlayer which accommodates the residual stress presence during cooling down process.
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