Software development firmware system for broken rotor bar detection and diagnosis of induction motor through current signature analysis


  • H. Pita Laboratory of Industrial Innovation Technology and Robotics (LITIR), Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB), Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  • G. Zurita Laboratory of Industrial Innovation Technology and Robotics (LITIR), Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB), Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • A. Villarroel Laboratory of Industrial Innovation Technology and Robotics (LITIR), Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB), Cochabamba, Bolivia



Motor of current signature analysis, test bench, fast fourier transform, envelope analysis, broken rotor bars, firmware


The induction motors (IMs) are undoubtedly the most used machines in industries because of the advantages they offer such as simplicity, service continuity and low cost. Due to wear and tear, the motor suffers different types of mechanical and electrical failures. Depending on the criticality of the plant motors, it could be necessary to implement predictive techniques in order to detect the faults before they can cause unnecessary downtime. Therefore, in this paper, the research approach was to develop a low cost measurement system based on a micro controller platform for machine diagnosis. The FRDM K64F developing board was selected as the most suitable for satisfying the system conditions, and it was used to collect induction motor`s current data. In order to validate the accuracy of the developed system, the Frequency Transfer Functions (FRF) of the developed measurement system and the standard system (NI USB-6009) were compare. It showed a flat frequency spectrum from 0 to 1 KHz, with small fluctuations of about 0.25 dB standard deviation. A fully automated test bench was implemented, which allows to perform all the measurement tests with the IMs, and in this case, the detection and diagnosis of broken bars. Around 240 tests were performed with varying loads, different rotation speeds, and with different severity damage levels in the rotor. The data analysis procedure for broken rotor bar detection and motor diagnosis was performed by the Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA), FFT and Enveloped Analysis (EA). Finally, the research approach was successfully accomplished, by the team by developing a software firmware measurement ultra-low cost development platform for machine diagnosis. It was also developed a proper antialiasing filter to reduce industrial noise. The effectiveness of the proposed system is detecting a weak fault in a noise signal. It was found out a new consistent and robust parameter called the pole pass frequency (fpsf), which could be used as a diagnosis parameter for detection of broken rotor bars faults, with their damage severity degree. The detected parameter can be found around 2.6 Hz, and it increases in amplitude with increasing damage severity.


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How to Cite

“Software development firmware system for broken rotor bar detection and diagnosis of induction motor through current signature analysis”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 6917–6933, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.15282/jmes.14.2.2020.30.0542.

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