The effect of vehicle weight on the sound produced by transverse rumble strips
Traffic noise, rumble strips, impulsive noise, engine noise, tyre noise, road noiseAbstract
Transverse rumble strips (TRS) are commonly used as traffic calming measure in the vicinity of premises. So far research have been extensively concentrated on the effect of vehicle type and speed on the noise produced by TRS, and very little research focused on the effect of vehicle weight. Do these vehicles produce extremely higher sound level parallel to their heavier weight? This is important as in reality, traffic flow consist of light, medium and heavy vehicles, which are also important sources of noise. This study investigated the effect of vehicle weight, such as gross vehicle weight (GVW) when transited on TRS, particularly with emphasis on impulsivity content. The objectives of this research were to: (1) determine the effect of GVW on noise generation when a vehicle transits on TRS and (2) assess the effect of GVW on the impulsivity of noise. Data from vehicles with weight between 800 kg - 8000 kg were collected based on previous research where these vehicles were tested on speed values of 30km/h and 50km/h. It was found that when the vehicles transited on TRS, the generated noise was strongly related with the vehicle weights (R2=0.71) higher than those normal road surface (R2=0.49). However, the changes of noise were not well represented by direct relation. It was found that TRS can increase and decrease the sound pressure level, depending on GVW, but on average, TRS can increase the sound pressure level by 1 dBA. Despite that, TRS was found to have an impulsive characteristic within the tested speed range. This finding can facilitate the authority to evaluate the environmental noise produced by TRS.
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