Turbulent kinetic energy and self-sustaining tones: Experimental study of a rectangular impinging jet using high Speed 3D tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry


  • Hassan Hasan Assoum Department of Mechanical Engineering, Beirut Arab University, Tripoli Campus, Lebanon. Phone: +9616218400; Fax: +961 6 218400.
  • Jana Hamdi Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon.
  • Mouhammad El Hassan Prince Mohamad Bin Fahed University, Saudi Arabia.
  • Kamel Abed-Meraim University of La Rochelle, LaSIE, France.
  • M. El Kheir University of La Rochelle, LaSIE, France
  • T. Mrach University of La Rochelle, LaSIE, France
  • S. El Asmar Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et Économiques, Tripoli, Lebanon.
  • Anas Sakout University of La Rochelle, LaSIE, France.




Impinging jet, Tomographic-PIV, Turbulent Kinetic Energy, Self-Sustaining Tones


Impinging jets are widely used in ventilation systems to improve the mixing and diffusion of airflows. When a rectangular jet hits a slotted plate, an acoustic disturbance can be generated and self-sustained tones produced. Few studies have looked at the Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) produced by the aerodynamic field in such configurations and in the presence of self-sustaining tones. The aim of this work is to investigate the energy transfer between the aerodynamic and acoustic fields generated in a rectangular jet impinging on a slotted plate. The present paper methodology is based on experimental data measurements using 3D tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique and microphones. It was found that the spectrum of the TKE for Re=5294 (configuration of self-sustained tones) is    which is smaller than that of the acoustic signal . A negative peak of correlation  is obtained between the acoustic signal and TKE for   These results may lead to conclude that the acoustic cycle should be covered by the TKE period and the two signals of both fields are in opposition of phase in order to obtain an optimal configuration for energy transfer.


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How to Cite

“Turbulent kinetic energy and self-sustaining tones: Experimental study of a rectangular impinging jet using high Speed 3D tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 6322–6333, Mar. 2020, doi: 10.15282/jmes.14.1.2020.10.0495.

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