Effect of airfoil distance to water surface on static stall
Water Surface, Separation, Static stall, airfoilAbstract
In this study, viscous, turbulent, and steady flow around an airfoil near the water surface has been simulated through a numerical method. In this simulation, Navier-Stokes equations have been solved using the finite volume method with a discretized second-order accuracy and PIMPLE algorithm. The Volume of Fraction (VOF) method has been employed to predict the free surface flow. A part of the simulation results has been validated through numerical and experimental data. Besides considering the style of flow separation in the angles of numerous attacks and airfoil static stall near the surface of the water. For this purpose, the airfoil simulation has been processed airfoil in the 68,000 Reynolds number, angle of attack of 2.5 to 11 degree and different distances from the water surface ( h/c = 0.5, 1, ). In a larger angle of attacks, flow is initially separated from the leading edge of the surface, and then it attaches to the surface at a lower point. This reattachment leads to an increase in adverse pressure gradient and the formation of a larger separation in the downstream of the airfoil. The pressure gradient dramatically increases, and the flow gets separated from the upstream of the airfoil. Upon lowering distance from the surface, static stall takes place at a higher point and a lower angle of attack, respectively.
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