Export promotion program, Export performance, SMEs, Network roleAbstract
This paper investigates the effectiveness of export promotion programs (i.e., information, experiential, and financial supports) towards small-medium enterprises (SMEs) export performance. The research framework is guided by the Research-Based View. A sample of 116 Malaysian small and medium size exporter firms was tested by using the model. The data were analyzed through a partial least square structural equation modelling approach. Study results show that all three supports in the export promotion program improve SMEs’ export performance with the mediating effect of network role. The findings show that the implication of the impact of export promotion programs on export performance is justified. Besides, it also validates the importance of networking in using support from government agencies. The findings can also help SMEs engage with foreign buyers or trade organizations to profit from trade fairs and trade exhibits, promoting promotion programs on a global scale. Last but not least, government agencies can also strengthen international trade relations and foreign diplomacy for exporters to boost their trade competitiveness.
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