Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication: A Review of Efficiency, Communication Medium and Action Signal
V2V, Safety, Efficiency of traffic, Medium, Action signalAbstract
In an era marked by rapid advancement in technology, transportation systems are experiencing a revolutionary transformation. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication stands at the forefront of this transformative movement, with the potential to significantly change the ways how vehicles interact with one another and their surrounding environment. This newly developed technology has the capacity to significantly improve road safety, traffic efficiency, and every aspect of the driving experience. Thus, a review of V2V communication based on its safety, efficiency of traffic on the road, the medium of communication and the action signal have been made. The purpose of the review on this technology is to examine the possibility of enhancing safety measures that may include walking, motorcyclists, cyclists, and drivers on the road. A comprehensive review of publications about safety, technology for communication, and signal reception in vehicles was conducted, along with an analysis of the articles that followed. Notably, the quest encompassed three prominent databases – IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science – covering the period from 2002 to 2023. These repositories were deemed adequately comprehensive to envelop our literature review. Through the application of predefined criteria for inclusion and exclusion, a total of 125 articles were curated. Among this compilation, a majority (63 out of 125) were dedicated to studies centered around V2V communication systems. Furthermore, a significant subset (44 out of 125) revolved around tangible endeavors directed at the advancement of V2V communications. The remaining fraction (18 out of 125) comprised articles offering comprehensive assessments and survey analyses. Multiple investigations were conducted with a focus on automating the detection of V2V communications and their respective subcategories, all geared towards the enhancement of detection accuracy. Therefore, this systematic review is intended to provide pathways for researchers and encourage their motivation to address the identified problems and gaps.
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