The Utilization of Live Streaming Technology to Improve the Shopping Experience that Generates Engagement and Buyer Trustworthiness in Indonesia


  • W.S. Dewobroto Entrepreneurship Program, Universitas Agung Podomoro, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • S. Enrica Entrepreneurship Program, Universitas Agung Podomoro, Jakarta, Indonesia



Live Streaming, Shopping value, Digital Technology


The development of technology and the internet caused intense competition in the retail industry. This encourages retail industry players to innovate. The live streaming feature addresses the problem of lost aspect from the offline shopping experience as result of online shopping. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of shopping value on customer engagement through trust in product and sellers. In this study, the data were analysed with descriptive and SEM-PLS analysis methods. Respondents who fulfilled the requirements in this study were 109 respondents. Based on the data analysis, the three shopping values (utilitarian value, hedonic value, and symbolic value) have a positive influence on customer engagement without going through the variable of trust. Among the three shopping values, symbolic values is proven to have the greatest influence on customer engagement.


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How to Cite

Dewobroto, W., & Enrica, S. (2021). The Utilization of Live Streaming Technology to Improve the Shopping Experience that Generates Engagement and Buyer Trustworthiness in Indonesia. Journal of Modern Manufacturing Systems and Technology, 5(2), 78–87.


