Sustainable Lean Six Sigma Competitive Manufacturing Strategy for Luggage Manufacturer
Quality, Six sigma, Lean manufacturing, Sustainable manufacturing, Certification body, Luggage ManufactureAbstract
International market activities from certification bodies based on customers’ request and government policies mandate companies to focus on achieving the right economic goals by paying attention to the social welfare and providing environmentally friendly businesses. Luggage bag companies with plastic raw materials need to increase production efficiency and enhance the quality of goods. The sustainable lean six sigma competitive manufacturing strategy for luggage manufacturer is a driving force for top management of manufacturing companies to apply the operational business concept for product sustainability. Therefore, this research integrated the lean six sigma method with the sustainability concept to validate the strategy for luggage manufactures. This is a case study of a luggage company, carried out by integrating lean and quality management methods in a sustainable manufacturing system to improve the public's assessment. The purpose of this research is to create a framework by integrating the lean six sigma method and applying the sustainable paradigm to the luggage company, to help the company's efforts to meet the requirements of external stakeholders to implement a sustainable production process and solve company problems on efficiency and quality in the production process. The results of this research are to increase production efficiency and improve quality by implementing a lean six sigma competitive manufacturing strategy for luggage companies with sustainable business processes to fulfill the demands from external stakeholders.
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