The impact of the wall insulation material and variable refrigerant flow system on building energy consumption and cost
Insulation, VRF, EnergyPlus, EnergySaving, CostSaving, PayBackAbstract
The use of VRF system and insulation in building envelope are both considered as promising option to reduce energy consumption of a building. This study analysis energy saving potential of VRF system and building insulation using modelling and simulation of a typical office building. The model office building is simulated with the weather of Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan using EnergyPlus building simulation software. The simulation cases include conventional and VRF air conditioning systems with and without insulation to evaluate and compare the annual cooling and energy savings and payback period. Results showed that by replacing conventional air conditioner with VRF AC electrical power can be reduced by 42-45%. It is also noted that Cellulose, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene and polyurethane insulations can save around 49.5, 51.4, 51.6, and 54.54% of electricity, respectively. In the case VRF air conditioner used with Cellulose, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene and polyurethane insulation may reduce electricity consumption by 66.5, 67.4, 67.5 and 68.9 %, respectively. The payback period varies from 7 to 15 months. However, cellulose with VRF air conditioner has the least payback period of around 7 months. The longest payback period of around 15 months was noted for the un-insulated office building with VRF air conditioner. Despite having longer payback period, the combination of polyurethane insulation with VRF air conditioning system is the most efficient combination.
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