A study on the laser cutting quality of ultra-high strength steel
boron steel; carbon dioxide laser; kerf width; heat affected zoneAbstract
Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS) has been used in a vehicle as it is able to improve the durability of the vehicle while reducing mass. Laser cutting process has been an alternative choice in trimming the UHSS boron steel to regain the final shape. This study was intended to investigate the effect of input parameters of carbon dioxide (CO2) laser cutting on the 22MnB5 boron steel, focusing on the cutting quality and mechanical properties. CO2 laser cutting machine was used to perform the experimental process with 1.7 mm thickness 22MnB5 boron steel as the working material. Kerf width, taper angle, and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) formation were evaluated as the cutting quality with variations on the laser power, cutting speed and assisted gas pressure. The result shows that power intensity at focusing point reflected the outcome on the cutting quality. The smallest kerf width, taper ratio, and HAZ region were obtained with the value of 0.252mm, 0.03 degree, and 116µm respectively. The relationship between kerf and taper inversely interacted where the narrowest kerf formation and HAZ would produce the biggest taper angle. Apparently, gas pressure does not greatly influence in determining the cutting quality but significantly influencing the changes of material properties, especially the HAZ formation.
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