Effect of carbon black fillers on tensile stress of unvulcanized natural rubber compound
Natural rubber compound; tensile stress; carbon blackAbstract
This paper presents the effects of carbon black (CB) fillers towards the tensile properties (tensile modulus, tensile stress) and microstructure of natural rubber (NR) compound under the applied force. Two types of the unvulcanized Standard Malaysian RubberConstant Viscosity 60 (SMR-CV 60) compound which are the unfilled and the CB-filled compound were used in this study. The tensile tests were conducted on both compounds by using the INSTRON Universal Tensile Machine at room temperature. Based on the results, the higher tensile modulus for CB-filled SMR-CV 60 compound was observed compared to the unfilled compounds which were 2.89 MPa and 1.42 MPa, respectively. However, the CB-filled SMR-CV 60 compound exhibited lower tensile stress value at 0.2535 MPa compared to the unfilled compound with the value of 1.0612 MPa. The increase of the SMR-CV 60 stiffness with the decreasing tensile stress was further proven using the theoretical modelling. Furthermore, the significant changes in the rubber network formation for CB-filled SMR-CV 60 compared to the unfilled SMR-CV 60 were also observed through the microstructure examination. Finally, the condition of permanent set showed slow recovery in the CB compound after it was applied with tension. In conclusion, the use of CB-filled SMR-CV 60 compound was shown able to improve the final tensile modulus property but also reduced the tensile stress compared to the unfilled SMR-CV 60 compound. Based on the findings, further research should be conducted on the effect of CB towards the vulcanized SMR CV-60 in terms of mechanical properties.
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