Predictive tool for frictional performance of piston ring-pack/liner conjunction
Piston ring-pack, Lubrication, Engine in-cylinder friction, Reynolds’ equation, Rough surface contact modelAbstract
Fundamental understanding of piston ring-pack lubrication is essential in reducing engine friction. This is because a substantial portion of engine frictional losses come from piston-ring assembly. Hence, this study investigates the tribological impact of different piston ring profiles towards engine in-cylinder friction. Mathematical models are derived from Reynolds equation by using Reynolds’ boundary conditions to generate the contact pressure distribution along the complete piston ring-pack/liner conjunction. The predicted minimum film thickness is then used to predict the friction generated between the piston ring-pack and the engine cylinder liner. The engine in-cylinder friction is predicted using Greenwood and Williamson’s rough surface contact model. The model considers both the boundary friction and the viscous friction components. These mathematical models are integrated to simulate the total engine in-cylinder friction originating from the studied piston ring-pack for a complete engine cycle. The predicted minimum film thickness and frictional properties from the current models are shown to correlate reasonably with the published data. Hence, the proposed mathematical approach prepares a simplistic platform in predicting frictional losses of piston ring-pack/liner conjunction, allowing for an improved fundamental understanding of the parasitic losses in an internal combustion engine.
U.S. Energy Information Administration. Retrieved from; 10 June, 2019.
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