Attitude, Live video streaming, Purchase intention, Perceived credibility, Perceived ease of useAbstract
Online video streaming is one of the channels of the current economic development of e-commerce. In this technology era, our lifestyle is gradually moving towards electronic development and the public use of e-commerce applications for their businesses. Online video streaming strategies, therefore, benefit marketers, and this is mainly due to their cost-effective properties. The main objective of this research is to investigate the influences of online video streaming on customers’ online purchase intention. Three independent variables include perceived credibility, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are used to study the influence of online video streaming on the consumers’ online purchase intention. A set of self-administered questionnaires was distributed to 215 respondents from three states in Malaysia which are Johor, Melaka and Selangor, who had the experience of online purchases that were affected by online video streaming. The collected data are then analysed using SPSS and Smart PLS software. The results of the analysis indicated that all three independent variables have a significant impact on consumers' online purchase intentions through online video streaming. In conclusion, this research is important to e-marketers in order to allow them to gain a better understanding of the online purchasing behaviour of their customers
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