
  • Dedi Emawan Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University, Alam Sutera, Indonesia
  • Aditya T. Pratama Industrial Engineering, Swiss German University Indonesia
  • Henry Nasution Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University, Alam Sutera, Indonesia



Power plants, Gas Engine Generator, Performance Indicators, Performance Measurement, Performance Score


Gas Engine Generator (GEG) Power plants as electricity producers need to be maintained using monitoring performance and continuously improvements. Company management of power plant is difficult to make decision for continuous improvement, requires Performance Measurement Tools (PMT) to determine the performance of a GEG power plant. PMT developed using Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that was defined through Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with different field of expertise in company and based on references and the weighting of KPI criterion that was developed by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). This study was a case study at leading medium energy company in Indonesia. PMT is a tool to calculate Performance Score (PS) from the calculation of actual data, contracts and KPI (Power Output/PO, Heat Rate/HR, Operation Ratio/OR, Capacity Factor/CF) weights. If there is a gap in the PS then it can indicate penalty from customer especially PO and HR. Case study was conducted on three power plants that have different capacity and number of engines. The sum of the PS from the KPI will get a Total Performance Score (TPS). The highest TPS value will get a Performance Benchmark (PB) for each power plant.

Author Biographies

  • Dedi Emawan, Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University, Alam Sutera, Indonesia

    Dedi Emawan is a pursuing Master degree in Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University Indonesia. Email:

  • Aditya T. Pratama, Industrial Engineering, Swiss German University Indonesia

    Dr. Eng. Aditya T. Pratama, S.Si., M.T. is a lecturer at Industrial Engineering, Swiss German University Indonesia. Email: He handled several collaborative projects such as product development with industries, collaborative researches such as XML data exchange, online metering system, product life cycle management, ERP and collaborative working. His current research interests on collaborative working in manufacturing system, and production and operation management.

  • Henry Nasution, Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University, Alam Sutera, Indonesia

    Dr. Ir. Henry Nasution, M.T. is a lecturer at Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University Indonesia. Email: He serves as the Member of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Research Group (REFRAC), Automotive Development Centre (ADC) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies until now and Expert Panel of Malaysia Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Specialist (MRACS). Many of research projects he served as a leader did successful application in refrigeration and air conditioning system.  


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How to Cite

Emawan, D., Pratama, A. T., & Nasution, H. (2021). PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT TOOLS (PMT) FOR GAS ENGINE GENERATOR (GEG) POWER PLANTS: A CASE STUDY AT LEADING MEDIUM ENERGY COMPANY IN INDONESIA. International Journal of Industrial Management, 11(1), 235-249.

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