The Effect of Toolkits Usage on Firms’ Co-Creation and Innovation: An Empirical Study on Malaysian Manufacturing Firms


  • Ripan Kumar Saha Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Sharan Kaur Garib Singh School of Business, Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Azni Zarina Taha Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Tey Lian Seng Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Innovation Co-creation Toolkits Usage Malaysia, Innovation, Co-creation, Toolkits usage, Malaysia


Organizations aim to create products that accomplish customer needs. Fulfilling customer needs through customer involvement in the product innovation process via toolkits usage has seen favorable outcomes for firms. Consequently, the intention of this study is to analyze the impact of toolkits usage on co-creation and innovation, respectively. To achieve the research objectives, we propose a model that develops based on literature to examine the relationship among toolkits usage and co-creation, as well as innovation. The model was examined utilizing survey data from the manufacturing organizations. This study includes a survey of 393 manufacturing firms in Malaysia. The survey questionnaire was distributed personally and online (google link), respectively. Results confirm the effective use of toolkits on co-creation and innovation hence reinforcing the importance of openness in co-creation and innovation theory. The results assert important implications for practitioners wanting to reap benefits from individualized products through toolkits usage. In sum, manufacturers can gamer value from toolkits usage within the context of an emerging economy, like Malaysia.

Author Biographies

  • Ripan Kumar Saha, Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Ripan Kumar Saha is a PhD student in Business Strategy and Policy at Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya. He also has 13 years of academic and corporate experiences in education and service industries.

  • Sharan Kaur Garib Singh, School of Business, Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Auckland, New Zealand

    Dr. Sharan Kaur Garib Singh is a lecturer with Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Auckland, New Zealand since 2015. She also has 10 years of corporate experience in retail and manufacturing. Prior to moving to New Zealand, Sharan was an academic member of the Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia.

  • Azni Zarina Taha, Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Dr. Azni Zarina Taha is a Senior Lecturer at University Malaya. She received her PhD from Aston University (UK), MBA from University of Malaya and BSc from University of Missouri (Columbia, USA). She currently holds the position of Portfolio Head for Centre of Business Excellence in Faculty of Business and Accountancy.

  • Tey Lian Seng, Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Dr. Tey Lian Seng is a senior lecturer at Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya. He also serves as MBA coordinator and managing editor of Asian Journal of Business and Accounting. He received his PhD in Strategic Management from University of Malaya in 2012.  


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How to Cite

Saha, R. K., Singh, S. K. G., Taha, A. Z., & Seng, T. L. (2021). The Effect of Toolkits Usage on Firms’ Co-Creation and Innovation: An Empirical Study on Malaysian Manufacturing Firms. International Journal of Industrial Management, 9, 15-24.

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