Configuring robot work cell based on a multi-shaped layout approach
Industrial robot; multi shape; configuration; reconfigurable and flexible manufacturing system.Abstract
This paper describes developmental work on a multi-shaped layout approach for configuring robot work cells in the future. The idea is to configure robot work cells based on the total number of robots and its variations of layouts. At present, the multi-shaped
layout of robot work cells is developed by joining two or more robot work cells in the form of a square-shaped layout based on several constraints and conditions. Data on the probable multi-shaped layouts of robot work cells have been tabulated, and the
complexity of data for each configuration was compared. Afterward, the configuration with the least complexity was selected to be the optimum configuration concept. As a result, a configuration pattern with a mathematical relation between the number of robots
and the number of possible multi-shaped layouts was able to be extracted using MATLAB. The details regarding the development phases of this work are presented. The primary purpose of this work is to provide a configuration concept of robot work cells for
assisting system design engineers in configuring robot work cells which could enhance configuration time, minimise human and expert involvement, and capitalise available investment resources in future. This developmental outcome is relevant for inline
configurations of robot work cells. The currentoutcomes of this work provide a basic concept for future investigation on developing a flexible configuration system for multiple robot work cells.