Numerical Study on Single and Multi-Element NACA 43018 Wing Airfoil with Leading-Edge Slat and Slotted Flap
NACA 43018, Multiple element wing, Slotted flap, Leading-edge slat, Aerodynamic performanceAbstract
An optimal wing configuration is crucial for achieving the best performance during various flight phases, including take-off, cruising, and landing. Such configurations also contribute to maximizing the aircraft's cruising range. This study compares the aerodynamic performance of NACA 43018 wings under different conditions: without high-lift devices, with a slotted flap, and with a combination of a leading-edge slat and slotted flap. Numerical simulations were conducted using the k-ɛ Realizable turbulence model at twelve different angles of attack, with a flow speed of 120 m/s. The results demonstrate that multiple-element wings significantly improve aerodynamic performance, particularly at low angles of attack, by reducing the induced drag coefficient and delaying flow separation.
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