Fabrication And Characterization of Al/ Sic/ Gr Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite Fabricated By Powder Metallurgy
Metal matrix composite (mmc); al-sic-gr composite; mechanical propertiesAbstract
This research focuses on the impact of reinforcing particle size in Metal Matrix Composites (MMC). Because of its comprehensive mechanical qualities, MMC is widely employed in the aerospace and automobile industries. In order to increase the mechanical qualities of MMC, researchers are looking into ways to improve its performance. The aim of the research is to use powder metallurgy to fabricate an Al-SiC-Gr hybrid composite and explore its microstructure and mechanical characteristics, such as hardness and impact strength. Powder metallurgy will be utilised in this study, with pure aluminium, silicon carbide, and graphite being mixed in proportion to the volume of the specimen. For Pure Al, 85 %, 80 %, and % were used, while for SiC, 10%, 15%, and 20% were used, and for Gr, 5% was utilised. Hardness Vickers testing and impact testing are among the experiments conducted. The microstructural analysis will also be carried out to assess the particle distribution in the MMC. The microhardness value of HRV 36.94 was discovered to be improved by reinforcing in Al+15% SiC+5% Gr.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Norfatihah Ismail , Akm Asif Iqbal, Nafrizuan Mat Yahya, Md. Nazmus Sakib

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