
  • MAHENDRA shivaji dhande Mechanical Engineering Dept. Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, M.S., India



Keywords : Quality, Student Performance, Gossopy, Faculty Member Performance, Medical case study.


Abstract : The day by day the people are more concentrates on quality education. For this agenda overall need to be in improvement in education system. If not possible to system working, then imigiatly system need to be change. There are lot of opportunities available in most higher reputated institute till today. Even higher level student doing high class education but still today sinario very pathetic. At the University level no guidance technique. For technique development of quality Six Sigma Concept, TQM concept & so many techniques are implemented but till lot of scope remain in education orbit. Quality education broadly defined as that management technique by means of which products of uniform acceptable quality. In society education reform need to develop the Institution. Therefore author take the decision to do do the research work on this theme to reduce the problems in educational field. The need of countinious quality research paper also for overall education envelop development point of view.





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How to Cite

M. shivaji dhande, “GENERALIZED DATA MODEL FOR IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY OF EDUCATION ENVELOPE:2022”, JMMST, vol. 3, pp. 74–89, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.15282/jmmst.v2i2.2495.

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