Effect of layering pattern and fiber hybridization on viscoelastic properties of PALF/COIR hybrid epoxy composites
Pineapple leaf fiber, coconut husk fiber, polymer composite, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, glass transition temperatureAbstract
To design and develop a hybrid biocomposite material for structural applications, it becomes necessary to determine the optimum fibers layering pattern. Therefore, in this research work, the different layered hybrid biocomposite boards i.e. bilayer pineapple/coir (P/C), trilayer (PCP, CPC), and intimately mixed (IM) were developed and characterized for viscoelastic properties. The composites were made by hand lay-up method, keeping the volume ratio of PALF and COIR 1:1 and the total fiber volume fraction is 0.40 volume of composite. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis test was employed to characterize the viscoelastic behavior in terms of storage modulus, loss modulus, loss damping factor, and the glass transition temperature. Amongst all the different layered hybrid composites, the trilayer CPC has lowest value (0.635) of effectiveness coefficient with highest stiffness and activation energy (40.54 kJ/mole). It confirms the better fiber-matrix interaction at the interfacial region. The glass transition temperature of CF-EP and PF-EP was increased by 8.74% and 13.15% respectively by the synergistic hybridization of cellulosic fibers. The PCP layered composite possesses lowest value of phase transition energy (9.17 kJ/mole) and this was because of the poor fiber-matrix interfacial adhesion.
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