Variability analysis of ABS solid fuel manufactured by fused deposition modeling for hybrid rocket motors
Hybrid rocket motor, Multivariate analysis of variance, acrylonitrile, butadiene styrene, fused deposition modellingAbstract
The process of fused deposition material (FDM) was used to manufacture propellant grains of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) as novel rocket fuel grain, with three types of geometry in the burning port. These solid fuel grains were used to measure the typical characteristics of combustion in rocket motors such as thrust and pressure inside the combustion chamber, seeking to obtain preliminary characteristics of operation and analyze the effect of combustion port geometry on pressure and thrust, using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) as statistical method. Two of the three geometries were manufactured with a helical-finocyl configuration, specially designed to be fabricated by Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM), the other one was a straight-bore geometry also by DDM. This characterization experiment was performed on a static hybrid rocket engine, designed to inject 99.98% pure nitrous oxide into a combustion chamber with capacity to withstand 6.9 MPa of pressure, with an easy-to-exchange nozzle, avoiding erosive behavior in the throat. Statistical analyses made with the ABS fuel grains, suggest a significant effect on rocket motor pressure and thrust, due to helical geometric changes made to the combustion port of solid fuel grains made by FDM manufacture process.
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