
  • Kugan Krishnamuthi Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
  • Noor Fareen Abdul Rahim Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia



Intention to Stay, Working Conditions, Job Satisfaction, Commercial Local Banks Malaysia


The Malaysian banking industry faces a pressing challenge on employee retention, which is a factor pivotal for sustained organisational performance. This study aims to delve into the relationship between working conditions and the intention to stay among employees in commercial local banks in Malaysia and examine the mediating role of job satisfaction towards the nexus. The conceptual framework is rooted in the Social Exchange Theory, leading to the development of three hypotheses that will guide the research. The study hopes to contribute to the existing literature on employee intention to stay, particularly the mediating influence of job satisfaction. The findings will provide valuable insights for banks and human resource management practitioners, offering a strategic compass for formulating effective retention strategies. By fostering a positive work environment and bolstering employee intention to stay, banks can enhance their overall organisational performance while concurrently minimising the detrimental impact of turnover costs. In essence, this study addresses a critical concern in the Malaysian banking sector and propels the industry towards a more sustainable and resilient future.


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