As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Please prepare your manuscript using DAAM's template.
Click here to download DAAM's latest template.
The journal publishes the following types of manuscripts:
Full Research Article
Full research articles provide significant new findings and conclusions obtained from scientific investigations and processes that fall within the scope of the journal. Case study as well as survey can be considered too.
Review Article
The review articles describe the current state of the knowledge and provide suggestions for potential future research direction in the field. The length of a published review article is from 3000-10000 words.
These instructions are written in a form that satisfies all the formatting requirements for the author's manuscript. Please use them as a template in the Author Guideline.
This section briefly about the issue view in a global and national context, problem statement, purpose of the research, the significance of the study, the structure of the paper and relevant research that has been done. Authors are encouraged to cite the latest and high-impact papers related to the research field. The citation should be presented as a numbering system. For example, if it involved single references, as stated in [1]. If two or more consecutive references are involved: [2-5], otherwise stated in [1], [3] and [20]. Define abbreviations for the first time used in the text, even if they have already been defined in the abstract. Well-known abbreviations such as SI unit (m, kg, s, etc.) do not have to be defined. Consecutive abbreviations should not have spaces: write as “D.A.A.M.”, not “D. A. A. M.” Authors need to ensure, at least three sentences can be considered as a paragraph and cited articles is named as Salleh et al. if involved 3 authors and more. Abbreviation needs to be declared at first in the respective paragraph before being used.
The title is auto-format. The title must be brief and reflect the contents of the manuscript. Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable. The first letter of the title should be capitalized with the rest in lower case except for proper nouns.
Author name
The * represents the corresponding author. The style for the names is initials then surname, with a comma after all but the last two names, which are separated by ‘and’. The numbering system is used for the author’s current affiliation. Please ensure that affiliations are as full and complete as possible and include the country.
Keywords is auto-format. Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
All the titles of the subsection should be presented justify in Arial Narrow font of size 10-Sentence case as Heading 2 style, while the equation should be presented by using the Microsoft equation of Cambria Math (or MathType) font 10 in justify format. Any source: coding or algorithm will be presented as the Courier New font of size 9 in justify format. This section must describe the methodology in detail: research design, sampling, data collection (if necessary).
Results and Discussion
This section contains interpretation data, summary of findings, limitations, implications and suggestions for future research.
Figures should be self-explanatory and contain a short but adequately detailed caption. Figures should be provided in one of the following formats: PNG, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, BMP. The figure(s) should have a resolution of 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour. All figures must be numbered sequentially in the text in the same order in which they appear (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2). Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b) are examples of multi-part figures in which each component should be labelled. The figure(s) caption should be written in sentence cases and placed underneath the image, centre aligned, with no period at the end of the caption.
Tables should be self-explanatory and include a concise yet sufficiently descriptive caption. Tables should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and referred to in the text by number. Table legends should follow the main text, each on a separate page. Tables must be submitted as editable text and not as images. Footnotes can be used to explain abbreviations but should not include detailed descriptions of the experiment.
The conclusion is auto-format. This section will answer the objective of the manuscript. Don’t replicate your abstract here.
Acknowledgment is auto-format. This section should acknowledge institution(s), funding source and individual assistant in separate paragraph. Author(s) must ensure that anyone named in the acknowledgments (institution/agency/individual) agrees to being so named.
Author Contributions
Authors are encouraged to provide an author statement file describing their specific contributions to the article using the appropriate author contribution roles to increase transparency. The author’s contributions statement should be provided during the submission process, and it appears below the acknowledgement section of the published article. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors agree on the accuracy of the descriptions. All authors' roles should be mentioned, using the appropriate categories underneath. Authors may have played a variety of roles in their contributions
Declaration of Originality
The authors declare no conflict of interest to report regarding this study conducted.
The title of REFERENCES is presented in Arial Narrow of size 11- UPPERCASE with Heading 1 style. Meanwhile, the rest of all the contents in the APPENDIX should be presented in Times New Roman font of size 9 as Normal style. Line spacing is single with spacing set 0pt before and 4pt after, and 1.13cm indented to the right. The references should follow the Vancouver style. The following are a few examples of references that are listed in the Vancouver Style:
Journal References
Six or fewer authors in the reference
[1] Hasan MM, Rahman MM, Kadirgama K, Ramasamy D. Numerical study of engine parameters on combustion and performance characteristics in an n-heptane fuelled HCCI engine. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018 Jan 5;128:1464-75.
[2] Hasan MM, Rahman MM. Homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion: Advantages over compression ignition combustion, challenges, and solutions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016;57:282-91.
Seven or more authors in the reference
[3] Arifin HH, Zardasti L, Lim KS et al.. Stress distribution analysis of composite repair with Carbon Nanotubes reinforced putty for damaged steel pipeline. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 2021 Dec 1;194:104537.
Book Reference
[4] Juvinall RC, Marshek KM. Fundamentals of machine component design. 5th ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 2011.
Book Chapter Reference
[5] Yasin MH, Ali MA, Mamat R, Yusop AF, Ali MH. Physical properties and chemical composition of biofuels. In: Basile A, Dalena F Eds. Second and Third Generation of Feedstocks. Chapter 11. 2019 Jan 1; 291-320. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
[6] Barky ME, Zhang S. Fatigue spot welds. In: Lee YL, Pan J, Hathaway RB, Barkey ME, editors. Fatigue testing and analysis: Theory and practice.2005;285-311. New York: Butterworth Heinrahmanemann.
Conference Proceedings
[7] Jeffry SN, Putra Jaya R, Abdul Hassan N, Mirza J, Mohd Yusak MI. Microstructure and physical properties of nano charcoal ash as binder. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Construction Materials. 2019 Apr;172(2):103-15.
[8] Safiei W, Rahman MM, Musfirah AH, Maleque MA, Singh R. Experimental study on dynamic viscosity of aqueous-based nanofluids with an addition of ethylene glycol. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 Apr 1; 788(1):012094.
[9] Urmi WT, Rahman MM, Kadirgama K, Ramasamy D, Maleque MA. An overview on synthesis, stability, opportunities, and challenges of nanofluids. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2021;41:30- 7.
[10] Hasan MM, Islam MS, Bakar SA, Rahman MM, Kabir MN. Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Engine Cooling System. In: 2021 International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems and 4th International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICSECS-ICOCSIM). 2021 Aug 24; pp. 471-6.
[11] Choi SUS, Eastman JA. Enhanced heat transfer using nanofluids. US Patent US 6,221,275 B1, 2001.
[12] Ibrahim TK. Modelling and performance enhancements of a gas turbine combined cycle power plant. PhD Thesis. Malaysia: Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 2012.
Online Materials
[13] Citations for articles/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view) must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s).
[14] Mandal A. Properties of nanoparticles. Retrieved from; 21 October 2021.
The appendix is auto-format. This part will present a related appendix (which is applicable). This section is not compulsory.