Effect of Shrimp Chitosan Coating on Physico-chemical Properties and Shelf Life Extension of Banana


  • Md. Belal Hossain Sikder Dept. of Food Engineering and Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114
  • M Muksitu Islam Dept. of Food Engineering and Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114




Banana is highly perishable fruit and shelf life is short, which leads resulting post-harvest loss consistently in Bangladesh. To lessen the post-harvest loss and draw out the time span of the usability of banana, green mature bananas were treated with 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1% chitosan, individually. For the subsequent treatments, bananas were stored at room temperature. The viability of the coating in extending fruit’s shelf-life was assessed by evaluated total weight loss, ash content, total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titratable acidity (TA), disease severity and shelf life during the storage period. Chitosan coating reduced respiration activity, thus delaying ripening and the rate of decay due to senescence. The chitosan-coated banana samples had a better outcome on weight loss, ash content, pH, TSS, TA and disease severity values as compared to control samples. Banana coated with 1% chitosan showed less weight reduction and lessened obscuring than different treatments and control. Disease severity was astoundingly lessened by chitosan covering application. Chitosan coating extended banana up to the shelf life of more 2 to 4 days. From this investigation, it demonstrated that 1% chitosan was more appropriate in extending the shelf-life and better quality of banana during ripening and storage at ambient temperature.





