Revolutionizing Wing-in-Ground Effect: Investigating Structural Rigidity
Wing-in-ground, Material, Joining, Pressure, StressAbstract
The Wing-in-ground (WIG) effect aircraft utilize the ground effect to maintain flight above water or another surface while minimizing continuous contact with the ground. The propulsion of this aircraft primarily relies on the aerodynamic lift generated by specially designed wings, hulls, or other components that harness the ground effect phenomenon. The problem statement that occurs once conventional boats fail to successfully carry out the mission of intercepting intruders trespassing on national waterways. Due to inherent constraints in watercraft technical standards, existing watercraft technology lacks the power to pursue intruders to their full extent. To further improve the WIG craft operation, we propose enhancing its performance by using materials with better mechanical qualities and optimizing the construction to lower its overall size. These enhancements aim to bolster the WIG craft's capabilities and enable more efficient and effective interception of intruders in water environments. This research aims to investigate structural material qualities suited for WIG effect application and structural rigidity characteristics, with a particular focus on the joining model. In order to accomplish these objectives, the study utilizes Solidworks simulation to replicate the WIG craft model. The static simulation involves testing four different parameters: Models A, B, C, and D. The key focus during the model simulation is varying the types of connections used. The simulation data is then examined to estimate the strength of the material structure. The material applied to the WIG craft structure is S-glass fiber and 6061 aluminum alloy. Model D produced acceptable values for the least maximum stress, strain, and resultant displacement, among other models. The maximum stress value of Model D is 1,601 MPa, which does not exceed the tensile strength of the material. For the rigidity analysis in operating conditions, the Solidworks flow simulation is conducted. The manipulated variable for flow simulation is the velocity of airflow. The velocities conducted are 60 km/h, 90 km/h, 120 km/h, 15 km/h and 180 km/h. The flow simulation shows the maximum total pressure exerted on the structure, where the highest velocity produced is 103433 Pa. From both static and airflow simulation, it was concluded that the WIG craft model has good rigidity in terms of withstanding the external load and airflow pressure during the cruising conditions proposed.
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