Numerical Model Validation of Cyclone Separator with Square Cross-sectional Vortex Finder for Oil Palm Loose Fruit Collection


  • Adam Danial Lim Jefri Lim Department of Aeronautics, Automotive and Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
  • Saiful Anuar Abu Bakar Department of Aeronautics, Automotive and Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
  • Mohd Faridh Ahmad Zaharuddin Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
  • Mohd Farid Muhammad Said Automotive Development Centre, Institute of Vehicle Systems and Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia



computational fluid dynamics, cyclone separator, discrete phase model', reynold's stress model, oil palm loose fruit


Cyclone separators are commonly employed in the industry for material separation because of their practicality. For the exact reason, the technology was expanded to harvest oil palm loose fruits. However, there is a scarcity of data in the utilization of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the field. Hence, a numerical model validation is essential in determining the model accuracy in representing flow of cyclone separators Consequently, the current study aims to validate the numerical model with experimental data on factors such as pressure drop, tangential velocity and axial velocity. Results indicate that the model behaves at a satisfactory level with minor errors.  Upon successfully validating the numerical model, Reynold’s Stress Model (RSM) and Discreet Phase Model (DPM) were used to simulate an oil palm loose fruit collecting system where density 995.7   and size 0.04  was set to simulate oil palm loose fruits in the system. Turbulence intensity at the gas and particles outlet are specified at 5%.  It was found that Rankine vortex was present in the system, confirming the working principal of the cyclone separator. Further optimization works was conducted by modifying the cyclone’s separator configuration to a square vortex finder where a collection efficiency of 92.08 % was recorded.


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Original Article

How to Cite

“Numerical Model Validation of Cyclone Separator with Square Cross-sectional Vortex Finder for Oil Palm Loose Fruit Collection”, Mekatronika : J. Intell. Manuf. Mechatron., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 96–111, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.15282/mekatronika.v6i2.10801.