International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization <p>The <strong>Centre for Human Sciences</strong> publishes the IJHTC, an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal.<strong> IJHTC</strong>'s main goal is to provide an intellectual platform for international scholars to share their knowledge. The goal of the IJHTC is to encourage interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. Research papers in the fields of Islamic studies, humanities technology, political studies, ethnic relations, technology management, communication and languages, technopreneurship, co-curriculum, education, culture, literature, arts, civilizations, religions, psychology and sociology, soft skills, leadership, values, and patriotism are published in the journal.</p> Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Publishing en-US International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization 2600-8815 PERJANJIAN-PERJANJIAN ANTARA BRITISH DAN KERAJAAN PAHANG 1887-1948 <p><em>Malaysian history is filled with various recordings of events. Among the biggest topics in talking about the country's history is the episode of British occupation in Malaya. Although this country has been invaded by foreign powers such as the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British and finally Japan, the British power is more dominant because it left more of an impact on Malaya from the past until now. Question that is still a question is about the status of the British occupation in this country whether they colonized or sheltered this country. However, many previous writings saw it as colonization, so the community saw Malaya as having been colonized. But there are parties who see Malaya as not colonized. This statement is still a debate among historians and intellectuals until now. The objective of this study is to record and analyze the agreements made between the British and the Government of Pahang and conclude at the end of the discussion whether the British occupation in Pahang was in the form of colonization or protectorate. This study uses a qualitative methodology based on primary sources such as reports, agreements and documents found in the national archives of Malaysia.</em></p> <p>Pengisian sejarah Malaysia dipenuhi dengan pelbagai rakaman peristiwa. Antara topik yang paling besar dalam membicarakan tentang sejarah negara adalah episod pendudukan British di Tanah Melayu. Meskipun negara ini telah dimasuki oleh kuasa asing seperti Portugis, Belanda, British dan akhir sekali Jepun, kuasa British lebih dominan kerana ia meninggalkan lebih banyak kesan ke atas Tanah Melayu dari dahulu sehingga kini. Satu persoalan yang masih lagi menjadi tanda tanya ialah tentang status pendudukan British di negara ini sama ada mereka menjajah atau menaungi negara ini. Namun, banyak penulisan sebelum ini melihat ia sebagai penjajahan, maka masyarakat melihat Tanah Melayu telah dijajah. Tetapi ada pihak melihat Tanah Melayu tidak dijajah. Pernyataan ini masih menjadi perdebatan dalam kalangan sejarawan dah intelektual sehingga kini. Objektif kajian ini bertujuan untuk merekodkan dan menganalisis perjanjian-perjanjian yang dibuat antara British dan Kerajaan Pahang dan membuat kesimpulan di akhir perbincangan sama ada pendudukan British di Pahang adalah berbentuk penjajahan atau penaungan. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif berdasarkan sumber primer seperti laporan, perjanjian dan dokumen yang terdapat di arkib negara Malaysia.</p> Hasnah Hussiin Mardiana Nordin Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 1 9 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10615 EXPLORING THE MALAYSIAN CHINESE BUSINESS: A REVIEW <p>The paper will explore&nbsp; the momentum of the&nbsp; Chinese business in Malaysia into a consistent and competitive performance thereby making it possible to continue to lead the domestic business environment despite the many challenges before and after independence of Malaya. This paper employed the historical views conducted through literature content analysis. As a result, the study discovered that the business strategy used, particularly the maneuver capability factors in Chinese-owned companies before and after independence. Business maneuver methods were common strategies applied by the Chinese enterprises to increase the number of firm size during the period of the implementation of NEP era. The companies responded to the government’s call in opening up the ownership of shares for the Malay-Bumiputera investors without affecting their performance. Innovation to the preservation of Chinese-owned businesses in the era of NEP indicates that the companies practiced a partnership especially the small and medium enterprises and family businesses. Overall, it has proved that the dynamics of the company's business in the Chinese business based on the concept of maneuver allowed Chinese owned companies not only to survive, but to compete successfully and expand tremendously during the NEP era.</p> Ku Hasnan Ku Halim Mohd. Ainuddin Iskandar Lee Abdullah Zahrul Akmal Haji Damin Yusri Yusof Jamal Rizal Razali Mohd Mizan Mohammad Aslam Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 10 15 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10673 IMPAK PROGRAM SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PARTNERS+ (SIPartners+) DALAM KALANGAN KEPIMPINAN SEKOLAH DI NEGERI PAHANG, TERENGGANU DAN KELANTAN <p><em>The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of the School Improvement Partners (SIPartners+) or School Mentoring Partner program among School Leadership (KS) introduced by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (KPM) in 2013. The implementation of the program aims to support and assist the development of KS throughout the country. This is in line with the sixth shift related to the goals that must be achieved during Wave One 2013-2015 as stipulated in the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025. This matter is in focus because there are views from a few KS who assumed that this program does not provide benefits and fails to achieve its objectives due to certain factors. In order to prove whether the matter really exists or is just a rumor, this study was carried out in schools in the states of Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. This study uses a quantitative approach and data is analyzed using SPSS IBM Version 20.0 software. The results of the analysis found that the negative response to the implementation of this program was not true because the majority of respondents stated that this program was very beneficial and able to bring the school management system to a better level. This information is very important to the parties involved such as KPM, JPN and PPD to implement and empower this program so that they can transform the mentality of KS. Apart from that, the results of this study can also be used as a basis for improving school management and strengthening the professionalism of KS which in turn will help improve the academic achievement of students at school.</em></p> <p>Objektif kertas ini ialah menganalisis impak program School Improvement Partners+ (SIPartners+) atau Rakan Pembimbing Sekolah dalam kalangan Kepimpinan Sekolah (KS) yang diperkenalkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) pada tahun 2013. Pelaksanaan program bertujuan untuk menyokong dan membantu perkembangan KS di seluruh negara. Hal ini selari dengan anjakan ke-enam yang berkaitan matlamat yang mesti dicapai dalam tempoh Gelombang Satu 2013-2015 seperti yang termaktub di dalam Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025. Perkara ini menjadi tumpuan kerana terdapat pandangan daripada segelintir KS yang mengatakan bahawa program ini tidak memberikan manfaat serta gagal mencapai objektif kerana faktor-faktor tertentu. Bagi membuktikan sama ada perkara tersebut benar-benar wujud atau sekadar sekadar khabar angin, maka kajin ini dijalankan di sekolah-sekolah negeri Pahang, Terengganu dan Kelantan. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan data dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS IBM Version 20.0. Hasil analisis mendapati bahawa tanggapan tidak baik terhadap pelaksanaan program ini ternyata tidak benar kerana majoriti responden menyatakan bahawa program ini sangat bermanfaat dan mampu membawa sistem pengurusan sekolah ke tahap yang lebih baik. Maklumat ini sagat penting kepada pihak-pihak yang terbabit seperti KPM, JPN mahupun PPD untuk melaksana dan memperkasa program ini sehingga dapat melakukan transformasi mentaliti KS. Selain daripada itu, hasil kajian ini boleh juga dijadikan asas penambahbaikan pengurusan sekolah dan memantapkan profesionalisme KS yang seterusnya akan membantu meningkatkan pencapaian akademik murid-murid di sekolah.</p> Mohd Azuri Shaari Hasmadi Hassan Jamal Rizal Razali Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 16 20 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10675 RELIGIOUS MODERATION THROUGH INTERNALIZATION OF THORIQOH KHOLWATIYAH PRACTICE <p><em>This article aims to explore the phenomenon of how religious moderation can be achieved through the practice of Thoriqah Khalwatiyah. The author employs a qualitative approach, specifically a case study, to extract data from the Caretaker, Administrators, and students of the Pondok Pesantren Pendidikan dan Perguruan Agama Islam (PPAI) Ketapang Kepanjen Malang, as well as alumni of the pesantren who are members of the Ikatan Keluarga Santri (IKS) community, through interviews, observations, and documentation. The research findings reveal the development of the Thoriqah, which is a blessing from KH. Moch Said, where he emphasizes on the Islamic law (fiqh), but also practices Thariqah Khalwatiyah with its book Khulashah Dzikr al-‘Ammah wa al-Khasshah, which was founded by Sheikh Khalwati. In practicing Thoriqoh Khalwatiyah, the students are initiated (baiat) by a spiritual guide (mursyid), and then they engage in continuous and consistent activities throughout the day with full responsibility until they become patient, generous, exhibit ascetic behavior, are cautious (wara'), humble (tawadhu), and sincere (ikhlas) only to Allah.</em></p> Ilun Lailatul Habibah Ilma Fahmi Aziza Sutomo Muhammad Nur Salim Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 21 29 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10681 PEMBANGUNAN DAN PERSEPSI PELAJAR TINGKATAN 4 TERHADAP KEBOLEHGUNAAN BAHAN BANTU MENGAJAR KIT GENETIK BAGI TOPIK PEMBAHAGIAN SEL <p><em>This study aims to develop a genetic kit for the 10th-grade Cell Division learning domain and identify students' perceptions of the developed kit in terms of design, content, usability, and satisfaction aspects. This Genetic Kit is developed using a five-phase ADDIE Model-based development design. The development study employs both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Research instruments consist of face validity forms, content, and perception survey questionnaires. The study involves 40 respondents comprising 10th-grade students selected using purposive sampling techniques. Two experts, lecturers from the Biology Department of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, were appointed to provide validity for the expert validation form and the usability survey questionnaire for the development of Genetic Kit teaching aids: Cell Division. Data for the expert validation form were analyzed using the expert agreement percentage formula, while usability survey questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The analysis findings indicate that the average agreement percentage of the two involved experts for face and content validity is high, at 100% and 91.5%, respectively. This indicates that the study can proceed with a pilot study to obtain reliability. The Cronbach Alpha value is 0.823, indicating excellent instrument reliability, effectiveness, consistency, and the developed kit can proceed with actual research to assess the usability of the kit as teaching aids for the cell division topic among students. The Genetic Kit usability questionnaire obtained an average score of at least 3.52 (SD 0.594), indicating that the questionnaire can be used. In conclusion, the Genetic Kit has high expert validity, excellent reliability, and effectiveness with moderate consistency and very high usability. Both experts involved in the validity assessment provided validity for the survey questionnaire and the usability of the developed kit. The implication is that the developed Genetic Kit has the potential to be used as teaching aids for the Cell Division learning domain, where current teaching and learning processes emphasize enjoyable and self-directed learning environments.</em></p> <p>Kajian ini bertujuan membangunkan kit genetik bagi pembelajaran Pembahagian Sel Tingkatan 4 serta mengenal pasti persepsi pelajar terhadap kit yang dibangunkan daripada aspek reka bentuk, kandungan, kebergunaan dan kepuasan. Kit Genetik ini dibangunkan dengan menggunakan reka bentuk pembangunan berpandukan lima fasa Model ADDIE. Kajian pembangunan ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Instrumen kajian terdiri daripada borang kesahan muka, kandungan dan soal selidik persepsi. Kajian ini melibatkan 40 responden pelajar Tingkatan 4 menerusi teknik persampelan bertujuan. Dua orang pakar iaitu pensyarah Jabatan Biologi, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris dipilih untuk memberikan kesahan terhadap borang penilaian kesahan pakar dan borang soal selidik kebolehgunaan pembangunan bahan bantu mengajar Kit Genetik: Pembahagian Sel. Data bagi borang penilaian kesahan pakar dianalisis menggunakan formula peratus persetujuan pakar manakala borang soal selidik kebolehgunaan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Dapatan analisis menunjukkan purata persetujuan pakar daripada dua orang pakar yang terlibat bagi kesahan muka dan kandungan adalah tinggi iaitu 100% dan 91.5%. Ini menunjukkan bahawa kajian dapat diteruskan dengan kajian rintis bagi mendapatkan kebolehpercayaan. Nilai Cronbach Alpha = 0.823 menunjukkan instrumen mempunyai kebolehpercayaan sangat baik, efektif, konsisten dan kit yang dibangunkan boleh diteruskan dengan kajian sebenar bagi melihat sejauh mana kebolehgunaan kit tersebut sebagai bahan bantu mengajar bagi topik pembahagian sel dalam kalangan pelajar. Soal selidik kebolehgunaan Kit Genetik memperoleh purata skor min 3.52 (SP 0.594) menunjukkan soal selidik boleh digunakan. Kesimpulannya, Kit Genetik mempunyai kesahan pakar yang tinggi, kebolehpercayaan sangat baik dan efektif dengan tahap konsistensi sederhana serta kebolehgunaannya sangat tinggi. Dua pakar yang terlibat dalam penilaian kesahan memberikan kesahan borang soal selidik serta kebolehgunaan kit yang dibangunkan. Implikasinya, Kit Genetik yang dibangunkan berpotensi digunakan sebagai bahan bantu mengajar bagi bidang pembelajaran Pembahagian Sel di mana proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran ketika ini yang mementingkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan dan bersifat kendiri.</p> Wan Siti Hajar Nadzirah Wan Mohd Zaid Suzaliza Mustafar Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 30 38 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10429 TEACHING PRACTICE ATTITUDE AND BELIEF AMONG TEACHERS’ TRAINEES IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA <p><em>The effective conduct of teaching practice exercise enhances the quality of teacher education programme and build pre-service teacher confidence in the teaching profession. Thus, the study examines teachers’ beliefs about the teaching profession and the attitudes gained by pre-service teachers during the teaching practice exercise that will enhance their career growth. The study used a descriptive survey with structured and unstructured questionnaires to collect data from 125 respondents who were pre-service teachers in teacher education institutions. Data were analysed using descriptive. The findings showed that pre-service teacher participation in the teaching practice exercise provides them with the opportunity for professional growth and development in their career. The findings further revealed that students should be given the opportunity to provide answers to practical problems because it will enhance their thinking and reasoning processes rather than the teacher showing them how to solve the problems. Also, that instructions on what must be done should be built around problems and must have clear and correct answers so that students can quickly grasp them. The study concluded that teaching subjects should be used to allocate students to schools and these schools must be close to the abode of the student as this would remove fear and absenteeism and this would go a long way to achieve the objectives of the teaching practice exercise.</em></p> F. Omosein O. Olujuwon N. B. Bamiro Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 39 44 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.9488 PEMBANGUNAN DAN KEBERKESANAN MODUL KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL BAGI KESEJAHTERAAN PELAJAR B40 IPT DI MALAYSIA <p><em>Spiritual intelligence has an impact on individuals and even various studies show it as a positive influence on the well-being of workers and students. Their lives are found to be calmer and able to solve problems well. A module for B40 students was developed based on the ADDIE model to improve the spiritual intelligence of these B40 students. For the development of this module, a preliminary study was conducted on 44 B40 students to study their level of spiritual intelligence by using survey and interview methods to study the needs of the module. The module produced has undergone a content validation process from experts and its implementation to students. The development of this module is expected to provide comprehensive well-being to students as a whole and to B40 students in particular.</em></p> <p>Kecerdasan spiritual memberi impak kepada individu malah pelbagai kajian memperlihatkan ianya sebagai pengaruh yang positif terhadap kesejahteraan pekerja maupun pelajar. Kehidupan mereka didapati akan lebih tenang dan dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan baik. Satu modul kepada pelajar B40 dibangunkan berasaskan model ADDIE bagi meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual pelajar B40 ini. Bagi pembangunan modul ini satu kajian awal telah dilakukan kepada 44 pelajar B40 untuk mengkaji tahap kecerdasan spiritual mereka dengan menggunakan kaedah tinjauan dan temubual untuk mengkaji keperluan modul. Modul yang dihasilkan telah menjalani proses kesahan kandungan daripada pakar dan pelaksanaannya kepada pelajar. Pembangunan modul ini diharapkan dapat memberi kesejahteraan yang menyeluruh kepada pelajar keseluruhannya dan kepada pelajar B40 khususnya.</p> Anita Abdul Rani Imaduddin Abidin Mohd Suhardi Mat Jusoh Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz Tengku Intan Nabilah Tengku Sulaiman Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-23 2024-05-23 45 49 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10738 PENGGUNAAN AIR DAN LIMAU NIPIS SEBAGAI BAHAN ASAS MERAWAT PESAKIT GANGGUAN JIN: TINJAUAN PENGALAMAN PENGAMAL DALAM PERUBATAN TRADISIONAL MELAYU <p><em>This study investigates the traditional Malay medical practices involving water and lime as fundamental ingredients in treating patients believed to be afflicted by supernatural beings called Jin. The researcher is an experienced nurse specializing in Jin affliction treatment. Jin refers to creatures created by Allah from fire that can resemble angels. Nowadays, there are often reports of treatments associated with Jin disturbances in society. Unfortunately, some of these treatments don't comply with Islamic law and show signs of worrying false teachings. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the methods of using water and lime for Jin affliction treatment. The study's methodology is qualitative, based on the researcher's nursing experience and relevant literature review. The study's findings will explain the advantages of water and lime as treatment ingredients and the methods used in the treatment. Additionally, it will share the researcher's experiences in using these ingredients for treatment and their effectiveness with Allah's permission.</em></p> <p>Kajian ini&nbsp; merupakan satu penyelidikan berkaitan cara atau kaedah perubatan tradisi orang Melayu yang menggunakan air dan juga limau nipis sebagai bahan asas dalam rangka merawat pesakit yang diganggu oleh Jin. Pengkaji adalah merupakan seorang perawat yang berpengalaman dalam bidang rawatan gangguan Jin. Jin membawa makna makhluk Allah swt yang diciptakan daripada api yang boleh menyerupai malaikat. Dewasa ini kerap kedengaran banyak kes-kes rawatan yang dikatakan mempunyai kaitan dengan gangguan Jin dalam masyarakat. Malangnya terkadang&nbsp; didapati rawatan yang digunakan tidak menepati kehendak syarak dan mempunyai tanda-tanda ajaran sesat yang membimbangkan. Justeru itu tujuan kajian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mengenalpasti kaedah penggunaan air dan limau nipis untuk rawatan gangguan Jin. Manakala metodologi kajian ini ialah kajian kualitatif. Ia berdasarkan kepada kajian lapangan iaitu pengalaman pengkaji sebagai seorang perawat dan&nbsp; kajian kepustakaan yang merujuk dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan. Hasil dari kajian ini akan menjelaskan kelebihan air dan limau nipis yang dijadikan bahan rawatan dan kaedah yang digunakan dalam rawatan di atas. Kajian ini juga akan akan berkongsikan pengalaman pengkaji yang merawat menggunakan bahan tersebut dan keberkesanannya atas izin dari Allah.</p> Syed Zaidi Syed Omar Mohamad Hilmi Mat Said Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-23 2024-05-23 50 58 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10739 THE CRITICAL REVIEW OF TRIPLE Ts CONCEPT AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION WITHIN THE NADHIYYIN EDUCATION (MULTI-CASE STUDY AT LP MA'ARIF PASURUAN) <p><em>The study aims to explore the triple t core values of Mbah Hasyim, one of founding fathers of the Nahdhatul ulama (nu), the biggest Muslim organization in Indonesia and even in the world. this research delineates about Mbah Hasyim’s core values into NU organization in a way to know positive contribution of Mbah Hasyim’s core values into peace education as well as the nation character building through education programs. as ulama Mbah Hasyim formulated three core t values derived from Islamic values, namely the 3 t's: Tasamuh,Tawassut (moderate), Tawazun. these triple t’s have become foundation for basic learning in nu education institutions around Indonesia. the purpose of this study is to elaborate such core values inspired by Mbah Hasyim into NU organization. the final objective of the research is to obtain clear and concise concept of Triple Ts in education specially to utilize them for instilling such (Islamic) values to students through character education program and peace education in Islamic worldview. therefore, the study used library research as the method for data collection. besides, the empirical evidence which are experienced by researchers used as primary sources in qualitative research method. the presence of researcher is necessary to enrich the collected data. the results shown that core values of Mbah Hasyim significantly have contributed to the life harmony, peace, togetherness and religious tolerant in Indonesia. Pancasila as a national philosophy accommodates any religious values that apply universally and most of the materials come from an Islamic perspective and the values of Triple Ts of Mbah Hasyim. the conclusion of this study is to bring this concept of Triple Ts of Mbah Hasyim into education program. thence, all school and other education institutions are encouraged to implement such triple T’s through character education program as well as peace education.</em></p> Ahmad Muhaimin Aries Musnandar Qurratu A’yuni Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-23 2024-05-23 59 67 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10740 KEBERKESANAN MODUL LIQA (LATIHAN INTENSIF HAFAZAN AL-QURAN) DARI ASPEK TAHAP REKA BENTUK: SATU TINJAUAN <p><em>The LIQA module is an aid in the field of Tahfiz Al-Quran. It also serves as a workbook and training material for those who want to memorize the Quran. LIQA is an acronym for ‘Latihan Intensif Hafazan Al-Quran’. The LIQA module was introduced through seminars, camps and workshops held throughout Malaysia. It was attended by various levels of society involving pre-school, primary, secondary, teenagers, adults and the elderly. In addition, for mosques and suraus, LIQA Module memorization workshops are also organized by educational agencies such as KAFA (Al-Quran &amp; Fardhu Ain Class), associations and institutions of higher learning. In terms of use, the LIQA Module is widely used, especially in the state of Pahang, which involves KAFA classes, religious secondary schools and institutions and organizations that conduct the Al-Quran tahfiz curriculum. This study aims to review how effective the LIQA Module is in terms of design level. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 30 students at Al-Maarif Religious Secondary School and Abdul Rahman Talib National Secondary School, Kuantan. The results of the study were obtained by using the 'Statistical Package for Social Science' (SPSS) which is a computerized data processing software. The findings of the study show that the effectiveness of the LIQA Module in terms of the design level is at a high score level, with the overall mean range of the items being between 3.67–5.00. At the end of the study, the researcher put forward some suggestions for improvements related to the design of the LIQA Module in order to be more satisfactory and meet the current needs in the field of Tahfiz Al-Quran. </em></p> <p>Modul LIQA merupakan bahan bantu dalam bidang tahfiz Al-Quran. Ia juga berfungsi sebagai buku kerja dan bahan latihan bagi yang ingin menghafaz Al-Quran. LIQA adalah akronim kepada Latihan Intensif Hafazan Al-Quran. Modul LIQA diperkenalkan melalui seminar, kem dan bengkel hafazan yang diadakan di seluruh Malaysia. Ianya disertai oleh pelbagai lapisan masyarakat yang melibatkan murid pra-sekolah, sekolah rendah, menengah, remaja, dewasa dan golongan berusia. Selain masjid-masjid dan surau-surau, bengkel hafazan Modul LIQA dianjurkan juga oleh agensi-agensi pendidikan seperti KAFA (Kelas Al-Quran &amp; Fardhu Ain),&nbsp; persatuan-persatuan dan institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi. Dari segi penggunaan pula, Modul LIQA digunakan secara meluas khususnya di negeri Pahang yang melibatkan, kelas-kelas KAFA, sekolah-sekolah menengah agama dan institusi serta organisasi yang mengadakan kurikulum tahfiz Al-Quran. Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau sejauhmanakah keberkesanan Modul LIQA dari segi tahap rekabentuk. Kajian dijalankan dengan mengedarkan soalselidik kepada 30 orang pelajar di Sekolah Menengah Agama Al-Maarif dan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Abdul Rahman Talib, Kuantan. Keputusan kajian yang diperolehi dengan menggunakan ‘Statistical Package for Social Science’ (SPSS) iaitu satu perisian memproses data yang digunakan secara berkomputer. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan keberkesanan Modul LIQA dari segi tahap rekabentuk berada pada tahap skor yang tinggi, dengan keseluruhan julat min item adalah antara 3.67–5.00. Di akhir kajian, penyelidik mengemukakan beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan berkaitan rekabentuk Modul LIQA agar lebih memuaskan dan memenuhi keperluan semasa dalam bidang tahfiz Al-Quran.</p> Mohd Hasdi Mohamed Rashidi Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-23 2024-05-23 68 75 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10741 KEBERKESANAN PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN KAFA DALAM PEMBANGUNAN ADAB DAN KEROHANIAN MURID: KAJIAN DI DAERAH KUANTAN <p><em>The implementation of al-Quran and Fardhu Ain Classes (KAFA) has been implemented since 1990 and is managed by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) in collaboration with the Malaysian Ministry of Education and State Governments in each state. The objective of its implementation is to solve the problem of the students' inability to read the Qur'an, to master the basic matters of fardhu ain as well as the development of the students' manners. Even though KAFA classes have been implemented for a long time, the effectiveness aspect of its implementation still raises questions among parents, namely the extent to which KAFA students can read the al-Quran well, practice the teachings of the al-Quran, and the requirements of fardu ain consistently and cultivate Islamic manners in daily life. Accordingly, this study wants to identify the elements of moral development and the spiritual values of the students, the form of the spiritual program implemented as well as the factors that hinder the effectiveness of the KAFA program in the aspect of moral, and spiritual development of the students. Specifically, this study uses a qualitative research method, that is, preliminary research data is obtained by analyzing the findings of previous studies to develop the theoretical framework of this study. The preliminary findings of this study show that there are three main factors in determining the effectiveness of the KAFA education program among students, namely the emphasis on the development of manners and spiritual values, the spiritual program is implemented consistently, and the commitment of KAFA teachers in developing the character of KAFA students.</em></p> <p>Perlaksanaan Kelas al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain (KAFA) dilaksanakan bermula tahun 1990 yang dikendalikan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia serta Kerajaan Negeri. Objektif perlaksanaannya adalah untuk menyelesaikan masalah ketidakmampuan murid-murid membaca al-Quran, menguasai perkara-perkara asas fardhu ain, dan pembentukan sahsiah. Walaupun kelas KAFA telah lama dilaksanakan, namun keberkesanan perlaksanaannya masih lagi menimbulkan tanda tanya dalam kalangan ibubapa iaitu sejauhmana murid-murid KAFA dapat membaca Al-Quran dengan baik, mengamalkan ajaran Al-Quran dan tuntutan fardu ain secara istiqamah serta membudayakan adab-adab Islam dalam kehidupan seharian. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini ingin mengenalpasti elemen-elemen pembangunan adab dan nilai-nilai kerohanian murid, bentuk program kerohanian yang dilaksanakan serta faktor-faktor yang menghalang keberkesanan program KAFA dalam aspek pembangunan adab dan kerohanian murid-murid. Secara khusus, kajian ini menggunakan metod kajian kualitatif iaitu data-data kajian awal diperolehi dengan cara menganalisis dapatan-dapatan kajian lepas bagi membangunkan kerangka teori kajian ini. Dapatan awal kajian ini menunjukkan terdapat tiga faktor utama dalam menentukan keberkesanan program pendidikan KAFA dalam kalangan murid-murid iaitu penekanan kepada aspek pembangunan adab dan nilai-nilai kerohanian, program kerohanian dilaksanakan secara konsisten serta komitmen para guru KAFA dalam membangunkan sahsiah murid-murid KAFA.</p> Nuruddin Zanki Hamzah Mohd Suhardi Mat Jusoh Atikah Ade Hamzah Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 76 81 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.9924 KEBERKESANAN PEMBELAJARAN GAMIFIKASI DALAM KURSUS PERAKAUNAN DENGAN PRESTASI AKADEMIK DAN SIKAP PELAJAR <p><em>The study focused on the effectiveness of gamification learning, as students use Quick Response (QR) codes on Scanning Code (SC) game boards to access e-books, which include exercises with E notes, building-built AR Web simulations, simulations including decision-making calculations, and lecture notes that are AR videos. The objective for the Cost Management Accounting 2 course's gamification of learning using QR scans on the Scanning Code game board is to meet the requirements of information management, continuous learning, and practical skills by outcome-based learning (OBE). This study aimed to examine the relationship between students' academic performance at Polytechnic Mukah Sarawak's Department of Commerce and gamification learning using QR scans on the Scanning Code game board. Descriptive analysis and Pearson's correlation analysis of information gathered from questionnaires given to sixty students will be used to accomplish this goal. The results demonstrated that students were highly proficient in accessing gamification learning, as evidenced by their favorable feedback on gamification learning using QR scans on the Scanning Code game board. The use of gamification learning through the Scanning Code game board scan method and the enhancement of students' academic performance were positively correlated, according to Pearson's correlation test. The following research involves students working independently or in small groups to complete a more detailed case study. This study can look at how individual student accomplishment, group learning, and student motivation are affected by gamification learning with QR scans on Scanning Code game boards. </em></p> <p>Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada keberkesanan pembelajaran gamifikasi semasa pelajar mengimbas kod imbasan QR di papan permainan Scanning Code (SC) untuk mencapai e-book, iaitu nota kuliah yang video AR, simulasi Web AR binaan bangunan, simulasi pengiraan pembuatan keputusan dan latihan yang menggunakan enota. Pembelajaran gamifikasi menggunakan imbasan QR di papan permainan Scanning Code bagi kursus <em>Cost Management Accounting 2</em> adalah mengikut keperluan kemahiran praktikal dan pembelajaran berterusan serta kemahiran pengurusan maklumat selaras dengan pembelajaran berasaskan hasil (Outcome Based Education-OBE). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara pembelajaran gamifikasi menggunakan imbasan QR di papan permainan Scanning Code dengan prestasi akademik pelajar Jabatan Perdagangan, Politeknik Mukah Sarawak. Tujuan ini akan dicapai melalui analisis deskriptif dan analisis korelasi Pearson terhadap data yang diperoleh dari soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 60 orang pelajar. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelajar memberikan maklumbalas yang positif terhadap pembelajaran gamifikasi menggunakan imbasan QR di papan permainan Scanning Code dan kemahiran mereka dalam mengakses pembelajaran tersebut adalah tinggi. Ujian korelasi Pearson menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif antara penggunaan pembelajaran gamifikasi menggunakan kaedah imbasan di papan permainan Scanning Code dan peningkatan prestasi akademik pelajar. Kajian seterusnya adalah kajian kes yang lebih mendalam yang melibatkan pelajar secara individu atau dalam kumpulan kecil. Kajian ini boleh mengkaji impak penggunaan pembelajaran gamifikasi menggunakan imbasan QR di papan permainan Scanning Code terhadap pencapaian pelajar secara individu, pembelajaran kolaboratif, dan motivasi pelajar.</p> Siti Zakiah Abu Bakar Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-23 2024-05-23 82 88 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10110 KONSEP KENDIRI SEBAGAI MEDIATOR DALAM HUBUNGAN ANTARA FAKTOR SEKOLAH DENGAN TINGKAH LAKU PELAJAR SEKOLAH MENENGAH DI SELANGOR <p><em>Referring to the educational environment nowadays, social problems among students is one of the increasingly significant disciplinary problems. The element of self-concept should be understood more deeply to prevent this problem from spreading in the future. The aim of the present research is to determine self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between school factors and behavior among secondary school students in Selangor. This quantitative study employed a survey method, involving a total of 400 school students aged 14 and 16 from eight secondary schools in the state of Selangor. A single questionnaire that linking several scales was utilized, in which measurements of school factors involved (Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment (IPPA), Questions of Teacher’s Interaction (QTI), School Self-Review Tools (SSRT), and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social SupportZimet). Self-concept dimension was measured using Self-Concept Individual Protective Factors Index meanwhile internalizing and externalizing behaviours using ASEBA School-Age Youth Self Report (YSR). Mediator analysis shows that self-concept is a mediator on the relationship between school factor and internalizing and externalizing behaviour; self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between anxiety and school factor, self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between withdrawal and all subscales of school factor, self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between aggressive behaviour and school factors, self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between rule-breaking behaviour and school factor. Specifically, positive self-concept can be applied to students who lack confidence and are neglected by their families, peers and teachers. </em></p> <p>Masalah sosial dalam kalangan pelajar merupakan salah satu masalah disiplin yang semakin ketara. Elemen konsep kendiri wajar difahami dengan lebih mendalam lagi untuk mengelakkan masalah ini menular kelak. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesan konsep kendiri sebagai mediator ke atas hubungan antara faktor sekolah dengan tingkah laku dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di Selangor. Kajian kuantitatif ini menggunakan kaedah tinjauan kepada 400 orang pelajar sekolah berumur 14 dan 16 tahun dari lapan buah sekolah menengah di negeri Selangor. Soal selidik berkenaan faktor sekolah yang merangkumi budaya dan iklim sekolah melibatkan (<em>Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment</em> (IPPA), <em>Questions of Teacher’s Interaction</em> (QTI), <em>School Self-Review Tools</em> (SSRT), dan <em>Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Zimet</em>). Pengukuran konsep kendiri menggunakan <em>Self-Concept Individual Protective Factors Index</em> dan tingkah laku menggunakan <em>ASEBA School-Age Youth Self Report</em> (YSR). Analisis mediator menunjukkan konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara kebimbangan dengan faktor sekolah, konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara menarik diri dengan kesemua sub-skala faktor sekolah, konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara tingkah laku agresif dengan faktor sekolah, konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara tingkah laku melanggar peraturan dengan faktor sekolah. Implikasi kajian ini mendedahkan konsep kendiri positif dapat diterapkan kepada pelajar yang kurang berkeyakinan dan diabaikan samada oleh keluarga, rakan sebaya mahupun guru-guru.</p> Sabarnur Abd Radzak Amna Md Noor Azlina Mohd Khir Muhd. Dhamir Audi Azizul Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s) 2024-05-23 2024-05-23 89 101 10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10688