International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization 2023-11-29T03:40:27+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Nubli Open Journal Systems <p>The <strong>Centre for Human Sciences</strong> publishes the IJHTC, an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal.<strong> IJHTC</strong>'s main goal is to provide an intellectual platform for international scholars to share their knowledge. The goal of the IJHTC is to encourage interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. Research papers in the fields of Islamic studies, humanities technology, political studies, ethnic relations, technology management, communication and languages, technopreneurship, co-curriculum, education, culture, literature, arts, civilizations, religions, psychology and sociology, soft skills, leadership, values, and patriotism are published in the journal.</p> HUBUNGAN ANTARA FAKTOR SEKOLAH, KONSEP KENDIRI DAN TINGKAH LAKU DALAM KALANGAN PELAJAR SEKOLAH MENENGAH DI SELANGOR 2023-09-11T14:28:17+00:00 Sabarnur Abd Radzak Amna Md Noor Azlina Mohd Khir Muhd. Dhamir Audi Azizul <p>Mutakhir ini, sistem pendidikan menghadapi cabaran dalam domain sosial, ekonomi dan alam sekitar impak daripada globalisasi serta kadar perkembangan teknologi yang lebih pantas. Isu kemerosotan akhlak dan disiplin pelajar seringkali menjadi perbualan hangat isu semasa dan seterusnya melahirkan gambaran negatif kepada sistem pendidikan. Penyelidikan ini dilaksanakan untuk menentukan perbezaan dalam tingkah laku berdasarkan faktor sosiodemografi dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di Selangor dan mengenalpasti hubungan antara faktor sosiodemografi, konsep kendiri, serta faktor sekolah dengan tingkah laku dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di Selangor. Pendekatan kuantitatif dan rekabentuk survei digunakan secara analisis inferensi. Seramai 400 orang pelajar sekolah yang berumur 14 dan 16 tahun dari lapan buah sekolah menengah di negeri Selangor telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil analisis ujian-t mendapati terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan bagi kelima-lima subskala dalam tingkah laku (kebimbangan, menarik diri, masalah somatik, tingkah laku agresif, dan tingkah laku melanggar peraturan) berdasarkan jantina. Ujian korelasi pearson antara latar belakang sosiodemografi dengan tingkah laku menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan yang negatif antara pendapatan isi rumah dengan kebimbangan dan masalah somatik. Keputusan ujian korelasi juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan yang negatif antara konsep kendiri dengan semua subskala tingkah laku dan terdapat hubungan signifikan yang positif antara konsep kendiri dengan semua subskala faktor sekolah. Kesimpulannya, ibu bapa, pihak sekolah, dan NGO termasuklah penggerak pusat perlindungan dapat mengambil kira faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan remaja dalam masalah sosial ini dalam merangka program pencegahan interaktif yang bersesuaian bagi mengelakkan remaja terjebak dengan masalah sosial.</p> <p><em>Nowadays, education system are facing unprecedented challenges – social, economic and environmental driven by accelerating globalisation and a faster rate of technological developments. However,, the issue of moral deterioration and student discipline acknowledged as a well-known debate that directly impose a negative image in the education system.The purpose of the present research (1) to determine the differences in behavior based on sociodemographic factors among secondary school students in Selangor and (2) to identify the relationship between sociodemographic factors, self-concept, as well as school factors and behavior among students’ secondary school in Selangor. Quantitative approach and survey design were employed in this study. A total of 400 school students aged 14 and 16 from eight secondary schools in the state of Selangor were involved in this study. Data collection procedure was acquired through self-administered questionnaires and systematic random sampling has been used in the selection of respondents. The t-test analysis found that there were significant differences for all five subscales in behavior (anxiety, withdrawal, somatic problems, aggressive behavior, and rule-breaking behavior) based on gender. Meanwhile, Pearson's correlation result between sociodemographic background and behavior shows that there is a significant relationship between household income and anxiety and the number of siblings with aggressive behavior and somatic problems. The Pearson’s correlation indicates there is a significant relationship between self-concept and all subscales in the school factor and all subscales in internalizing and externalizing behavior. In conclusion, parents, schools, and NGOs, including the organizers of shelters, would investigate deeply the factors influencing teenagers involved in social problems by designing appropriate interactive programs to avoid teenagers involved in social problems ahead.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) PEMANTAPAN PENGURUSAN KESATUAN SEKERJA KAKITANGAN AM UNIVERSITI AWAM DI MALAYSIA 2023-09-25T06:37:21+00:00 Mohd Faiq Abd Aziz Ismi Arif Ismail Haslinda Abdullah Nur Raihan Che Nawi Nurul Afiqah Zulkifly Muhd. Dhamir Audi Azizul <p>Kesatuan sekerja Universiti Awam terdapat di semua wilayah di Malaysia iaitu Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah dan Sarawak. Kesatuan-kesatuan ini bergerak secara tersendiri mengikut wilayah masing-masing sejajar dengan kehendak Akta Kesatuan Sekerja 1959. Kesatuan sekerja ini dikawal selia dengan baik oleh Persatuan Presiden dan Setiausaha Kehormat Kesatuan Kakitangan Universiti Malaysia/IPTA (GAKUM). Walaupun terdapat banyak kajian mengenai keberkesanan kesatuan sekerja, namun kajian mengenai keberkesanan kesatuan sekerja di Malaysia adalah terhad dan skop serta pendekatan yang digunakan adalah berbeza-beza. Kadar keahlian kesatuan sekerja yang tinggi dapat menjamin keberkesanan perundingan kolektif. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti kaedah dan proses perundingan dengan pihak pengurusan universiti serta menganalisis isu yang mengekang penglibatan ahli dalam aktiviti kesatuan sekerja. Kajian ini menggunakan metod kualitatif melalui kaedah Perbincangan Kumpulan Fokus (FGD). Seramai 15 orang presiden kesatuan dan 15 orang setiausaha kesatuan telah terlibat di dalam perbincangan kumpulan berfokus ini berdasarkan sesi yang berlainan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tiga komponen utama kaedah dan proses perundingan dengan pihak pengurusan universiti di Malaysia iaitu kaedah perundingan oleh pihak kesatuan dengan pihak pengurusan universiti, proses perundingan, dan tempoh perundingan. Dua komponen utama telah diteliti berdasarkan isu yang mengekang penglibatan ahli dalam aktiviti kesatuan sekerja iaitu isu pihak pengurusan pusat tanggungjawab PTJ dan isu -isu peribadi pekerja. Implikasi kajian ini adalah sebagai usaha untuk memastikan kelastarian kesatuan sekerja, meningkatkan kesedaran tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab kesatuan dan menambah baik kaedah perundingan kesatuan sekerja dengan pihak pengurusan universiti. Penyelidikan lanjutan wajar diteliti berdasarkan dapatan terkini iaitu mengenalpasti cadangan penambahbaikan dalam meningkatkan penglibatan ahli, peningkatan pengurusan ahli, serta pengurusan kepimpinan.</p> <p><em>Trade Unions in public institute of higher learning in Malaysia are initiate in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. These unions move discretely according to their respective regions in line with the requirements of the Trade Union Act 1959. These trade unions are well regulated by the Association of Presidents and Honorary Secretaries of Malaysian University/IPTA Staff Unions (GAKUM). Though there are numerous studies on the effectiveness of trade unions, the issue on the effectiveness of trade unions in Malaysia are limited and the scope and approaches used are varied. A high union membership rate can guarantee the effectiveness of collective bargaining. The aim of the present study to identify the method and process of consultation with the university management as well as analyze the issues that constrain the involvement of members in trade union activities. This study employed a qualitative method using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) towards 15 union presidents and 15 union secretaries. The findings of the study indicates three main components of the method and process of consultation with the university management in Malaysia, specifically the method of consultation by the union with the university management, the consultation process, and the duration of the consultation. Two main components have been observed based on the issues that constrain members' involvement in trade union activities, namely responsibility center management issues (PTJ) and workers personal issues. The implication of this study acknowledged an effort to ensure the sustainability of trade unions, increase awareness of the responsibilities of unions and improve negotiation process between unions and university management. Future research should be looking into the present findings which is to improve in increasing union membership and the management of membership, leadership skills.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) POLA PENCAPAIAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN (PENILAIAN BERKUMPULAN): ANALISIS PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN DALAM TALIAN TEMPOH PKP 2023-10-13T08:15:23+00:00 Ahmad Muhaimin Mohamad <p>Hasil pembelajaran adalah pengukur pencapaian kursus atau program mengguna pakai instrumen seperti kuiz, ujian, tugasan, dan peperiksaan sama ada secara individu atau berkumpulan. Praktis normal pelaksanaan penilaian adalah secara fizikal. Namun perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) akibat pandemik Covid-19 menyebabkan pelaksanaan penilaian secara dalam talian sepenuhnya. Persoalannya, adakah prestasi pencapaian penilaian konsisten meningkat atau menurun seiringan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan pengajaran dalam talian (PdPDT) lantaran pelbagai cabaran akibat pandemik? Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti pola dan perbezaan pencapaian hasil pembelajaran sepanjang semester dalam tempoh pandemik. Data (skor) diperoleh dari tugasan berkumpulan mengukur satu hasil pembelajaran dari sejumlah 4438 pelajar yang mendaftar sepanjang 4 semester kajian semasa tempoh PKP. Eksplorasi data mendapati data bertabur secara tidak normal. Oleh itu, analisis deskriptif dan ujian analisis variasi bukan-parametrik dilakukan berbantukan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Analisis deskriptif menunjukkan pola menurun dan mendatar bagi penilaian berkumpulan dengan analisis variasi mendapati wujud perbezaan signifikan pencapaian mengikut semester dengan p = 0.000. Hasil kajian mencadangkan pelbagai pendekatan P&amp;P terutama sokongan pengajar, institusi, dan interaksi sosial bertujuan mencapai keberhasilan pembelajaran berbentuk kumpulan bagi subjek, kursus, dan program.</p> <p><em>Most of learning outcomes are measured by assessment instruments such as quiz, test, assignment, and exam either individual or group work. Normal practice of course assessment is by physical class or 'pen and paper based'. However, the movement control order (MCO) due to Covid-19 pandemic needs all the physical assessment changed to fully online including teaching and learning. The aim of this research is to identify the pattern and differences of learning outcome achievement during academic semester in duration of pandemic and MCO. All data and score extracted from individual assessment that measured two of LOs. Total of 4438 registered students within 4 semesters participate in this study. The normality test shows that all the data are not normal in distribution. Then, a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) was used to perform a non-parametric test along with descriptive analysis to analyze all extracted data. Descriptive analysis shows a descending and horizontal pattern of individual learning outcome. However, analysis of variance shows a significant difference (p = 0.000) of LO among semesters. The finding of research suggested multiple approaches for teaching and learning including motivation towards the achievement of course and programme learning outcome.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) “TAHI” DALAM OTAK ORANG MELAYU 2023-10-13T04:04:19+00:00 Jamal Rizal Razali Hasmadi Hassan Jamilah Bebe Mohamad <p>Kertas ini akan membincangkan fenomena pemberian nama kepada makanan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Melayu. Pemberian nama atau penamaan adalah satu proses yang sangat penting kerana kita dapat mengenal sesuatu kerana “sesuatu” tersebut mempunyai “identiti” atau tanda pengenal. Dalam masyarakat Melayu, terdapat pelbagai jenis makanan yang mempunyai nama-nama yang aneh dan bertentangan dengan sifat serta peranannya. Daripada perspektif linguistik kognitif, fenomena penamaan tersebut boleh dianalisis dan dikenalpasti melalui ketegangan semantik (<em>semantic tension</em>) antara (kata) sesuatu yang dinamakan dengan (kata) sesuatu yang menjadi rujukan. Hal ini demikian kerana telah berlaku proses pemindahan makna, peranan dan bentuk kata bagi memastikan maksud yang dikehendakinya dapat difahami, ditafsir dan dihayati oleh khalayaknya. Bagi mendapatkan gambaran mengenai fenomena dan proses yang berlaku, kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bagi mengumpul dan menganalisis data. Daripada analisis yang dilakukan, terdapat pelbagai rujukan yang digunakan oleh penutur untuk menamakan makanan tersebut seperti nama binatang, perbuatan, orang dan sebagainya. Hal ini dapat dikaitkan dengan pengaruh persekitaran kerana penutur didapati menggunakan sumber terdekat dengannya sebagai rujukan utama untuk memperihalkan sesuatu. Selain itu, hal ini juga menunjukkan bahawa proses penggunaan bahasa (penamaan makanan) oleh komuniti bahasa (orang Melayu) sangat berkaitan dengan latar budaya mereka, yang seterusnya menjadi identiti mereka.</p> <p><em>This paper will discuss the phenomenon of food naming by the Malay community. Naming or labeling is a very important process because we can recognize or identify something because the "something" has an "identity" or identifier. In the Malay community, there are many types of food that have strange names that contradict their nature and role. From a cognitive linguistics perspective, the phenomenon of naming can be analyzed and identified through semantic tension between (words) something named and (words) something referred to. This is so because there is a process of transferring the meaning, role and form of words that is done to ensure that the desired meaning can be understood, interpreted and appreciated by the audience. In order to get an overview of the phenomena and processes that occured, this study will employ a qualitative approach to collect and analyze data. From the analysis, there are various references used by speakers to name the food such as the name of animals, actions, people and so on. This can be linked to the influence of the environment because the speaker is found to use the source closest to him as the main reference to describe something. In addition, this also shows that the process of using language (naming food) by the language community (Malays) is very related to their cultural background, which in turn becomes their identity.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universiti Malaysia Pahang Publishing KEPENTINGAN PENGUASAAN ILMU DAN PEMIKIRAN ISLAM DALAM KAJIAN SEJARAH ISLAM DI ALAM MELAYU MENURUT PERSPEKTIF SYED MUHAMMAD NAQUIB AL-ATTAS 2023-10-19T06:13:28+00:00 Siti Nor Aisyah Ngadiran <p>Bidang kajian sejarah Islam di Alam Melayu sangat berkait rapat dengan kajian sumber sejarah. Justeru, kefahaman yang benar diperlukan bagi menganalisis sumber sejarah tersebut dalam kalangan para pengkaji terutamanya dalam pentafsiran sumber dan kaedah yang digunakan. Perkara ini perlu diberi perhatian kerana kebanyakan sumber-sumber tersebut yang terdiri daripada teks dan manuskrip Melayu Jawi mempunyai kandungan ilmu yang menuntut kefahaman agama yang tinggi untuk memahaminya, khususnya ilmu mengenai ketuhanan, <em>ta</em><em>ṣ</em><em>awwuf</em>, fiqh dan pelbagai cabang ilmu Islam yang lain. Justeru, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kepentingan penguasaan ilmu dan pemikiran Islam dalam kajian sejarah Islam menurut perspektif Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. Kajian ini yang merupakan kajian teks akan menumpukan kepada karya-karya terpilih al-Attas berkenaan kajian sejarah di Alam Melayu. Ini termasuklah <em>Islam dalam Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu</em>,<em> The Mysticism of </em><em>Ḥ</em><em>amzah Fanşūrī</em>, <em>Historical Fact and Fiction</em> dan lain-lain. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian ini, terdapat empat kepentingan penguasaan ilmu dan pemikiran Islam tersebut ialah bagi menjadikan al-Qur’ān sebagai sumber panduan utama kajian sejarah Islam, memastikan ketepatan pentafsiran istilah-istilah metafizik yang terdapat dalam kajian sejarah Islam, memastikan ketepatan pentafsiran dalam kajian kesusasteraan Islam, dan memastikan ketepatan pentafsiran sesuatu sumber sejarah dengan perbandingan ke atas sumber yang lain. Dalam hal ini, keautoritian al-Attas sebagai sarjana Islam kontemporari yang terkemuka, serta penguasaan dalam pelbagai bidang ilmu termasuk ilmu <em>ta</em><em>ṣ</em><em>awwuf</em> dan falsafah Barat telah dengan mudah mengesan sebarang kekeliruan mahupun kesilapan yang telah dilakukan oleh para orientalis dalam kritikan dan pentafsiran sejarah Islam mereka.</p> <p><em>The study of Islamic history in the Malay World pertaining to the study of historical sources. Thus, it is imperative for researchers to augment their understanding of the analysis of historical sources, particularly in the interpretation and methods to be used. The presence of concern arises due to the fact that a significant number of Jawi (ie. Malay-Islamic) texts encompass knowledge that necessitates a deep understanding of religious matters: divinity, taṣawwuf, fiqh, and various other aspects of Islamic knowledge. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyse the importance of the mastery of Islamic knowledge and thought in the study of Islamic history according to the perspective of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. This study, which is a text analysis, will focus on the selected works of al-Attas regarding the study of history in the Malay World. It includes Islam dalam Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu, The Mysticism of Ḥamzah Fanşūrī, Historical Fact and Fiction and others. Based on the findings of this study, there are four important of the master of Islamic knowledge and thought: to make the Qur'ān the main guidance for the study of Islamic history, ensure the accuracy of interpretation of metaphysical terms in the study of Islamic history, ensure the accuracy of interpretation in the study of Islamic literature, and ensure the accuracy of the interpretation of a historical source by comparing it to other sources. In this regard, al-Attas’ proficiency in various fields of knowledge, including taṣawwuf and Western philosophy, has led to discerning any misconceptions or inaccuracies created by orientalists in their study of Islamic history. Additionally, that ability has allowed him to refute their criticism, regarding his authority as a leading contemporary Islamic scholar.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) EXPLORING SMARTPHONE USE PATTERNS AND THEIR ASSOCIATIONS WITH DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING, AND SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTORS AMONG NIGERIAN YOUTH 2023-10-19T06:32:37+00:00 Bolanle Akeusola <p>As Africa’s most populous nation and rapidly digitizing economy, Nigeria offers a unique backdrop to investigate the complex interplay between smartphone use patterns, socio-psychological well-being, and socio-cultural factors among its youth population. This study employed a cross-sectional survey research design to explore these intricate relationships comprehensively. The methodological approach involved a quantitative research framework using a tailored measurement scale developed to gather relevant data, encompassing demographic details, smartphone use patterns, socio-psychological well-being indicators, and socio-cultural factors. A total of 1241 participants from different regions of the country were included in the study. The results showed significant variations in smartphone use patterns among Nigerian youth based on age groups, gender, and socioeconomic background. The results revealed significant variations in smartphone use patterns based on demographic characteristics, including age, sex, and socioeconomic background. Furthermore, smartphone use patterns exhibited significant correlations with various aspects of socio-psychological well-being, such as emotional well-being, stress levels, sleep quality, and life satisfaction. Sociocultural factors did not significantly predict smartphone use patterns; family dynamics and peer interactions emerged as significant indirect influencers through psychological well-being.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) MEMBINA KEMAHIRAN PEMIKIRAN SEJARAH (KPS) DALAM PEMBELAJARAN KURSUS KENEGARAAN MALAYSIA: SUDUT PANDANGAN SEORANG PENDIDIK 2023-09-28T02:19:32+00:00 Mohamed Ali Haniffa Nor Azlah Sham Rambely <p>Artikel ini membincangkan mengenai penerapan Kemahiran Pemikiran Sejarah (KPS) dalam membina minat dan pencapaian pelajar dalam kursus Kenegaraan Malaysia di Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Pembelajaran Abad ke-21 (PAK21) merupakan mekanisma yang mampu memenuhi keperluan pendidikan pada masa kini. Mahasiswa dan mahasiswi di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) mempunyai persepsi negatif dengan menyatakan mata pelajaran berorientasikan sejarah sebagai membosankan dan jumud. Justeru itu, KPS diperkenalkan untuk merangsang kemahiran berfikir pelajar secara kritis dan analitis. Ini secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan minat dan pencapaian intelek para mahasiswa serta mahasiswi dan menjadikan kursus Kenegaraan Malaysia menarik dan menyeronokkan. Pelaksanaan KPS membolehkan penerokaan idea yang kompleks dan abstrak melalui lima proses iaitu kemahiran memahami kronologi, meneroka bukti, membuat interpretasi, membuat imaginasi serta membuat rasionalisasi. Analisis data dibuat berdasarkan pekeliling, buku, jurnal dan kajian lepas. Penelitian awal menunjukkan bahawa golongan pendidik menghadapi kekangan dalam mengaplikasikan KPS ketika pengendalian kuliah kursus Kenegaraan Malaysia. KPS diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat kepada para pendidik sebagai alternatif dalam Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan (PdPc) untuk meningkatkan minat sejajar dengan Norma Baharu. KPS juga merupakan elemen penting dalam menerapkan jati diri dan semangat patriotisme bagi mendepani survival serta peluang Revolusi Perindustrian 4.0.</p> <p><em>This article discusses the application of Historical Thinking Skills (HTS) in building the interest and achievement of the students in the Malaysian Nationhood Studies course at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). 21st Century Learning (PAK21) is a mechanism that can fulfill the needs of the current education system. Students in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) have a negative perception by saying history-oriented subjects as boring and obsolete. Therefore, HTS is introduced to stimulate students' critical and analytical thinking skills. This can indirectly improve the interest and intellectual achievement of students and make the Malaysian Nationhood Studies course interesting and fun. The implementation of HTS enables the exploration of complex and abstract ideas through five processes, namely the skills of understanding chronology, exploring evidence, making interpretations, creating imaginations, and making rationalisations. The data was analysed based on circulars, books, journals, and past studies. Preliminary research showed that educators face constraints in applying HTS during their lectures on the Malaysian Nationhood Studies course. HTS is expected to benefit educators as an alternative in learning and facilitation to increase interest in line with the New Norms. HTS is also a significant element in applying the identity and spirit of patriotism to face the survival and opportunities of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) FAKTOR TERAPEUTIK KAUNSELING KELOMPOK DALAM MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN KENDIRI 2023-05-14T05:25:56+00:00 Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz Muhammad Nubli Abdul Wahab Mohd Ropizam Mohd Zainun Nor Hamizah Ab Razak Norizan Yusof Rezki Perdani Sawai <p>Kaunselor berperanan dan bertanggungjawab dalam usaha mengembangkan segala potensi yang ada pada diri setiap klien. Kemahiran kaunseling dalam perhubungan terapeutik antara kaunselor dan klien adalah sangat penting dalam mendorong perubahan diri klien. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan meneroka elemen terapeutik dalam kaunseling kelompok yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan kendiri. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kajian kualitatif menerusi analisis kandungan terhadap artikel-artikel yang telah diterbitkan dalam pangkalan data seperti Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) dan Science Direct. Sebanyak 45 artikel telah dipilih. Kajian ini telah mendapati bahawa terdapat lima faktor utama terapeutik yang membawa kepada kesejahteraan diri termasuklah sikap altruisme dan membantu, kemahiran insaniah, katarsis jiwa, kejeleketan kelompok dan pengkayaan maklumat serta nilai. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini secara langsung dapat meningkatkan kesedaran dalam kalangan kaunselor berkenaan pelaksanaan kaunseling kelompok yang perlu mengambil kira elemen terapeutik sebagai faktor yang dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan pelaksanaannya.</p> <p><em>Counselors play a role and are responsible for developing all the potential that exists in each client. Counseling skills in the therapeutic relationship between the counselor and the client are very important in encouraging the client's self-change. Therefore, this study aims to explore therapeutic elements in group counselling that can improve the well-being of the involved clients. This study used qualitative research methods through content analysis of articles that have been published in databases such as Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Science Direct. A total of 45 articles were selected. This study has found that there are five main therapeutic factors that lead to personal well-being including altruism and helping skills, soft skills, soul catharsis, group cohesiveness and enrichment of information and values. In conclusion, this study directly increases awareness among counselors regarding the implementation of group counseling that needs to take into account the therapeutic element as a factor that can increase the effectiveness of its implementation.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) FAKTOR-FAKTOR HUBUNGAN PENYERTAAN GURU SEKOLAH MENENGAH DI MERSING TERHADAP SAHAM WAKAF JOHOR 2023-10-13T04:52:35+00:00 Junaida Basiron Mohd Zawavi Zainal Abidin Fahmi Zaidi Abdul Razak <p>Saham Wakaf Johor merupakan wadah dalam memacu pembangunan ekonomi Islam di negeri Johor. Namun sejak lima tahun kebelakangan ini, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor (MAINJ) berdepan dengan masalah penurunan kutipan Saham Wakaf Johor yang sangat ketara. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat terhadap penyertaan Saham Wakaf Johor, khususnya dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah menengah di Mersing Johor. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif dan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen untuk mengumpul data dari sampel kajian. Instrumen diadaptasi dan diubahsuai dari pada Teori Tingkah laku Terancang (TPB) dan mengikut keperluan persoalan kajian. Soal selidik mengandungi empat kontruk iaitu niat, sikap, kawalan tingkah laku dan norma subjektif. Pemilihan sampel kajian menggunakan persampelan rawak mudah.Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 226 orang guru daripada sepuluh buah sekolah menengah di daerah Mersing Johor. Data kajian dianalisis menggunakan Smartpls 3.39. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian, dua faktor iaitu sikap dan norma subjektif signifikan terhadap niat guru menyertai Saham Wakaf Johor. Manakala faktor kawalan tingkah laku tidak signifikan terhadap niat guru untuk menyertai Saham Wakaf Johor. Penemuan menunjukkan min niat guru untuk menyertai Saham Wakaf Johor berada pada tahap sederhana tinggi. Kajian ini penting sebagai titik permulaan untuk menyumbang dalam memperkasakan Saham Wakaf Johor dan manfaat masa hadapan.</p> <p><em>The Johor Waqf shares are a forum for spurring the development of the Islamic economy in the country of Johor. However, for the past five years, the Johor State Islamic Religious Council (MAINJ) has been faced with the problem of a significant decrease in the collection of Johor Waqf Shares. This study aims to look at the factors that influence the intention to invest in Johor Waqf Shares, especially among secondary school teachers in Mersing Johor. This study is a quantitative study and uses a questionnaire as an instrument to collect data from the study sample. The instrument was adapted and modified from the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and according to the needs of the study problem. Inquiry questions contain four constructs, namely intention, attitude, behavioral control and subjective norms. The study sample was selected using an easy random sample. The study sample consisted of 226 teachers from ten secondary schools in the Mersing Johor area. Study data were analyzed using Smartpls 3.39. Based on the findings of the study, two factors, namely attitudes and subjective norms, are significant for teachers' intentions to participate in the Johor Waqf Shares. While the behavioral control factor is not significant to the teacher's intention to participate in the Johor Waqf Shares. The findings show min teachers' intention to join the Johor Waqf Shares is at a moderately high level. This study is important as a starting point to contribute to strengthening Johor Waqf Shares and future benefits.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universiti Malaysia Pahang Publishing PEMBINAAN, KESAHAN DAN KEBOLEHPERCAYAAN MODUL KAUNSELING KELOMPOK BERDASARKAN TEKNIK SURAH LUKMAN (AYAT 12 HINGGA 19) TERHADAP MURID SEKOLAH MENENGAH 2023-10-19T04:58:28+00:00 Mohd Ropizam Mohamad Zainun Muhammad Nubli Abdul Wahab Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz <p>Kaunseling kelompok merupakan proses penting dalam program bimbingan perubahan tingkah laku. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk membangunkan Modul Kaunseling Kelompok Berdasarkan Teknik Surah Lukman (ayat 12 hingga 19) Terhadap Murid Sekolah Menengah. Modul ini mengandungi 8 komponen utama iaitu konsep bersyukur, kemantapan akidah, nasihat secara berhikmah, penjelasan tentang ganjaran pahala dan dosa, bimbingan menunaikan solat, larangan bertingkah laku sombong dan membangga diri, cara berjalan, dan sentiasa mengingati tentang pengakhiran hidup. Melalui lapan aspek hikmah ini dibangunkan lapan aktiviti utama yang merangkumi elemen ibadah, akidah dan akhlak untuk membantu murid membuat perubahan tingkah laku positif. Pembangunan modul ini yang menggabungkan pelbagai bidang teras utama ilmu psikologi, kaunseling, dan agama dapat meningkatkan profesional perkhidmatan kaunseling di Malaysia bagi membantu murid sekolah membuat perubahan tingkah laku positif. Kesahan modul ini dijalankan oleh 10 orang pakar dalam pelbagai bidang kaunseling dan psikologi pendidikan. Modul ini telah diuji terhadap 30 orang murid sekolah menengah dalam tempoh dua bulan secara berturut-turut. Hasil maklum balas daripada pakar penilai, modul ini sesuai digunakan terhadap sampel murid. Keberkesanan modul ini terhadap murid telah dinilai melalui data koheran biomaklumbalas untuk melihat kesan perubahan hati yang dilakukan oleh murid setelah melalui aktiviti dalam modul ini.</p> <p><em>Group counseling is an important process in behavior change guidance programs. The purpose of this study was to develop a Group Counseling Module Based on the Technique of Surah Lukman (verses 12 to 19) for Secondary School Students. This module contains 8 main components which are the concept of gratitude, solidity of belief, wise advice, explanation of rewards and sins, guidance in performing prayers, prohibition of arrogant and boastful behavior, how to walk, and always remember about the end of life. Through these eight aspects of wisdom, eight main activities are developed that include elements of worship, faith and morals to help students make positive behavioral changes. The development of this module that combines various core areas of psychology, counseling, and religion can improve counseling service professionals in Malaysia to help school students make positive behavioral changes. Validation of this module was carried out by 10 experts in various fields of counseling and educational psychology. This module was tested on 30 high school students in a period of two consecutive months. As a result of feedback from expert assessors, this module is suitable for use with a sample of students. The effectiveness of this module on students has been evaluated through biofeedback coherence data to see the effect of a change of heart made by students after going through the activities in this module.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Universiti Malaysia Pahang Publishing DRIVING OF STRUGGLE VALUES AS MORAL PRESSURE TO CONSTRUCT THE KHAYRA UMMAH SYSTEM 2023-10-13T04:46:37+00:00 Abdur Rofik Imron Rosyadi Hamid Abdillah U. Djawahir Muhammad Romli M. Prayogi R. Saputra Fahrur Razi Abu Amar Bustomi Fajar Arianto <p>The drive of struggle values and moral pressure in social systems and organizations are interdependent. A good social system is strongly influenced by the values of struggle and moral pressure, so that everything contained in struggle and morality is reflected in social life. Thus, an ideal social order can be constructed through a patented moral approach in a blueprint. In this article, the blueprint of moral pressure refers to the struggle values of KH. Mahmud Zubaidi as a transformative figure in Indonesia in his struggle to construct a civil society, namely a community of the best society <em>(khayra ummah)</em>. The study of <em>khayra ummah</em> is specific to the contextualization of KH. Mahmud Zubaidi's concept of prophetic da'wah as moral pressure. This research uses an ethnographic qualitative approach involving 14 key interfaith informants in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that KH Mahmud Zubaidi's prophetic da'wah carries three pillars of <em>khayra ummah</em> that are constructed as strugle values and moral pressure, including: amar ma'ruf (humanization), nahi munkar (liberation), and iman billah (transcendence). The construction of these three pillars is coordinated by a university as a product of its struggle, which is then translated into various academic and non-academic activity programs. The contextualization of prophetic da'wah and its difference are also discussed.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) SISTEM PENGURUSAN DIGITAL PROGRAM ‘IMARAH MASJID: KAJIAN ANALISIS KEPERLUAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN 2023-10-19T05:45:59+00:00 Mohd Suhardi Mat Jusoh Mohd. Nordin Samah Noorhuzaimi @ Karimah M. Noor Abdul Kamil Jamaludin Mohd Nasir Ayub <p>Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi pada masa kini, fungsi masjid sebagai pusat pembangunan masyarakat seharusnya dapat dipertingkatkan keberkesanannya secara optimum dengan keupayaan ICT dan teknologi. Bagi merealisasikan hasrat ini, terdapatnya suatu keperluan untuk membangunkan satu sistem pengurusan digital program ‘imarah masjid berasaskan web sebagai platform digital pengurusan program ‘imarah masjid bagi menggantikan kekurangan yang sedia ada pada sistem manual. Sehubungan itu, objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti elemen-elemen keperluan dan pembangunan sistem ini dalam aspek pengurusan program dan aktiviti ‘imarah masjid. Kajian ini dijalankan secara kualitatif menggunakan metod analisis dokumen dan kajian temubual semi-struktur dengan pihak pengurusan masjid negeri Pulau Pinang bagi membangunkan kerangka konseptual kajian. Berdasarkan analisis dokumen dan dapatan kajian temubual, kajian ini telah dapat mengenalpasti empat aspek keperluan utama dalam pembangunan sistem pengurusan program digital masjid ini iaitu pengurusan digital program, profiling digital peserta, hebahan digital program dan penilaian digital impak program masjid. Dengan itu, satu model konseptual kajian keperluan dan pembangunan sistem ini dapat dibangunkan dan model konseptual kajian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam membangunkan sistem pengurusan digital program ‘imarah masjid berdasarkan keperluan Standard Penarafan Masjid Malaysia (SPMM), Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).</p> <p><em>In line with the advancement of technology nowadays, the function of the mosque as a community development center should be able to improve its effectiveness with the capabilities of ICT and technology. To realize this agenda, there are a need to develop a web-based digital management system for the 'imarah mosque program as a digital platform for the management of the mosque's 'imarah program' to replace the manual system. Accordingly, the main objective of this study is to identify the elements of the need and development of this system in the aspect of managing the program and activities of the 'imarah mosque'. This study was conducted qualitatively using the method of document analysis and semi-structured interviews with the Penang Mosque management to develop a conceptual framework for the study. Based on document analysis and interview findings, this study has identified four aspects of the main requirements for the mosque's digital program management system which is ; program digital management, participant digital profiling, program digital announcements and mosque program impact digital evaluation. Thus, a conceptual model of the needs study and development of this system was developed, and the conceptual model of this study can be used as a guide to develop a digital management system for the 'imarah mosque' program based on the requirements of the Standard Penarafan Masjid Malaysia (SPMM), Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) PERKATAAN ARKAIK BAGI TUMBUHAN PERUBATAN DALAM KITĀB AL-ṬIBB, ṢAḤĪḤ AL-BUKHĀRIY: KELESTARIAN PENGETAHUAN TENTANGNYA DALAM AL-TADHKIRAH OLEH AL-ANṬĀKIY 2023-10-19T05:58:49+00:00 Thuraya Ahmad <p>Topik al-Ṭibb al-Nabawiy agak mendapat tempat dalam perbincangan ilmiah kontemporari. Begitupun ia masih berkisar sekitar beberapa tumbuhan yang sudah dikenali tanpa mengetengahkan sebilangan besar nama-nama arkaik dalam teks hadith. Walhal dalam peradaban Islam silam, kelestarian pengetahuan bidang perubatan tentang tumbuhan bermanfaat terpelihara dalam kupasan ilmiahnya. Bagi memaparkan budaya peradaban tersebut, kajian berbentuk kualitatif digunakan. Pengumpulan data diusahakan dengan menjalankan kajian kepustakaan menggunakan sumber induk Kitāb al-Ṭibb, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāriy (KṬṢB) dan al-Tadhkirah, diikuti sumber-sumber lain sebagai sokongan. Seterusnya, bagi mengolah data yang dikumpul, pendekatan analisis kontekstual dipilih bagi menjelaskan maksud perkataan arkaik bagi nama tumbuhan perubatan dalam KṬṢB. Kemudian analisis tekstual dipilih untuk mengenalpasti kelestarian pengetahuan tentang tumbuhan tersebut dalam al-Tadhkirah. Hasilnya, kajian ini dapat mengumpul enam tumbuhan perubatan daripada perkataan arkaik dalam KṬṢB; iaitu akar gobo, gandum, akar pucuk, al-wars, zaitun liar dan papirus. Tumbuhan yang disarankan oleh Nabi s.a.w. pada kurun ke-7M sebenarnya terus dikenali dari generasi ke generasi hasil daripada legasi keilmuan dan karya gharīb al-hadīth. Meninjau kepada kitab perubatan bernama al-Tadhkirah oleh al-Anṭākiy yang dihasilkan pada kurun ke-17M, enam tumbuhan tersebut dikenali dan diperakui nilai perubatannya. Kajian dalam skop yang terhad ini merupakan satu usaha menyerlahkan tumbuhan perubatan yang kurang dikenali. Kelestarian dalam menguasai makna perkataan arkaik bagi tumbuhan perubatan adalah penting sebagaimana amalan peradaban silam. Sebenarnya, masih terdapat banyak herba perubatan dalam nama arkaik yang disebut oleh Nabi s.a.w. Demikian juga dengan nama arkaik bagi bahan yang digunakan dalam perusahaan tekstil, campuran kosmetik dan perubatan veterinar. Kajian seterusnya boleh diusahakan dengan memilih mana-mana kompilasi hadith.</p> <p><em>The topic on prophetic medicine indeed gains certain attention in contemporary research. However, the discourse does revolve around several well-known medicinal plants, instead of accentuating the predominant others which are shrouded in archaic words. Conversely, as applied in the bygone Islamic civilization, the knowledge about beneficial plants in the fraternity of medicine was preserved within its discourse. To disclose the scholarly culture of the meant civilization, this study employs a qualitative approach, as it collects data through literature review, being Kitāb al-Ṭibb, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāriy (KṬṢB) and al-Tadhkirah as main sources supported by other related references. Then, the data will be interpreted through contextual analysis to learn the meanings of each archaic word related to medicinal plant in KṬṢB. Furthermore through textual analysis, the sustainability of knowledge regarding the plants in al-Tadhkirah can be traced. Ultimately, this study manages to find six medicinal plants which are shrouded in archaic words of KṬṢB; namely great burdock, common wheat, Indian costus, al-wars, wild olive and papyrus. The medicinal plants which were recommended by the prophet p.b.u.h. in the 7<sup>th</sup> century CE remained known across past generations as a result of scholarship legacy and provision of dictionaries of archaic words. As referring to the book on medicine called al-Tadhkirah by al-Anṭākiy dated to 17<sup>th</sup> century CE, the six medicinal plants were known and their medicinal properties were recognized. Actually, this study which is set on the limited scope is a move to unveil the lesser-known medicinal plants. The sustainability in acquiring the meaning of archaic words which shroud medicinal plants as exemplified by past civilization is crucial. In fact, there are many medicinal herbs hidden inside archaic words of the saying of the prophet. There are as well archaic names for substances utilized in apparel industry, cosmetic concoction and veterinary medicine. Further research can be achieved to trace them in compilation of hadith.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) KERUNTUHAN AKHLAK UMAT ISLAM DAN PENYELESAIAN MENURUT SAID NURSI DALAM RISALAH AL-NUR 2023-11-29T03:40:27+00:00 Mohd Nasir bin Ayub Surita Hartini binti Mat Hassan Ramlan bin Mustapha Mohd Suhardi bin Mat Jusoh Mohammad Affendi bin Omardin <p>Nabi Muhammad SAW diutuskan adalah untuk memperbaiki akhlak manusia. Akhlak adalah cerminan sesebuah negara. Bangsa yang berjaya ialah bangsa yang menjunjung nilai-nilai murni dan akhlak mulia. Persoalannya, adakah umat Islam hari ini benar-benar menghayati nilai-nilai akhlak yang ada dalam Islam yang boleh dicontohi oleh penganut agama lain? Adakah kemerosotan akhlak umat Islam hari ini berpunca daripada kejahilan mereka terhadap amalan agama mereka? Kajian ini cuba mengemukakan penyelesaian terhadap kemerosotan akhlak ummah menurut Said Nursi khususnya dalam tafsir Risalah al-Nur. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk kepustakaan dan akan dianalisis menggunakan kerangka analisis tekstual. Kajian ini mendapati penyelesaian terhadap kerosakan akhlak menurut Said Nursi ialah dengan memahami hakikat kejadian manusia, menghayati kepentingan Asma’ al-Husna serta memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan. Hal ini terbukti apabila Said Nursi dan tafsir Risalah al-Nur berjaya mempengaruhi pembentukan akhlak umat Islam di Turki pada masa itu serta membentuk gagasan pemikiran Islam yang lebih tulin, setelah beberapa abad diresapi faham Sekularisme di bawah kemimpinan Presiden Mustafa kamal al-Tarturk.</p> <p><em>Prophet Muhammad SAW was sent to improve the morality of humankind. Morality is a reflection of a nation. A successful nation is one that upholds noble values and morality.&nbsp; The questions are, do the Muslims today truly appreciate the values of morality that exist in Islam that can be emulated by other religious followers? Does the decline in morality among the Muslims today stem from their ignorance on their religious practice?&nbsp; This current study puts forth the solution on the decline in the morality of the ummah according to Said Nursi especially in the interpretation of Risalah al-Nur. This study adopts a library study and it will be analyzed using a textual analysis framework. This study found that the solution to moral corruption according to Said Nursi is to understand the nature of human events, appreciate the importance of Asma' al-Husna and utilize science. This is evident when Said Nursi and Risalah al-Nur successfully influenced the formation of Muslims’ morality in Turkey at the time, and formed the Islamic school of thought that was more genuine, after several years of secularism influence under the leadership of Mustafa Kamal al-Tarturk.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) REGULATORY CHALLENGES IN INTEGRATING HIJĀMAЋ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTO MALAYSIA'S HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 2023-10-13T08:20:27+00:00 Asar A.K. Aziman Abdullah <p>This study delves into the intricate challenges of integrating hijāmaћ professional development into Malaysia's healthcare system. Despite its significance, incorporating hijāmaћ into the national healthcare framework faces significant hurdles, with regulatory challenges taking center stage. The research thoroughly examines the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Blueprint 2018-2027 for Health Care (TCMBP) established by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, revealing a spectrum of regulatory challenges as major obstacles. The paper proceeds to propose potential solutions, targeting policymakers responsible for navigating these regulatory barriers. The insights drawn from this study contribute significantly to ongoing discussions about harmoniously merging hijāmaћ professional development into contemporary healthcare systems. It provides a nuanced perspective that balances the preservation of this cultural therapy with the assimilation of modern medical advancements. This sets the stage for a more comprehensive and inclusive healthcare approach that resonates effectively with Malaysia's diverse population. This synergy between traditional and modern medical practices not only respects cultural heritage but also has the potential to transform healthcare outcomes, promoting sustainability and enhancing societal well-being. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing traditional practices within modern healthcare, offering a path to improved healthcare services for Malaysia's diverse society.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) ANTI HOAX AND MEDIA LITERACY IN PESANTREN IN THE POST-TRUTH ERA 2023-10-13T04:36:41+00:00 Abu Amar Bustomi Agus Sholahuddin Tommy Hariyanto Suadi Abdur Rofik <p>This research examines the movement of Islamic boarding schools in developing media literacy among the students, amidst the widespread dissemination of hoaxes and the advent of the post-truth era. The study adopts a sociological research approach with a phenomenological perspective, utilizing the research library as its primary data source. The data is analyzed through the lens of social movement theory. The findings of this study reveal three main points. First, a significant number of students have developed a dependence on social media. Second, Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri and Nurul Jadid share a common vision in equipping their students to confront hoaxes and post-truth narratives by fostering critical thinking skills. Third, there are differences in the programs implemented to achieve the goal of cultivating critically-thinking students between Pondok Sidogiri and Pondok Nurul Jadid. While Pondok Sidogiri emphasizes internal development, Pondok Nurul Jadid focuses on external outcomes. These research findings contribute to enriching the field of sociology, particularly in the area of social movements through media literacy. Additionally, the study provides recommendations to Islamic boarding school administrators to promote media literacy initiatives.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s) PEMBANGUNAN SOSIOEKONOMI PERLIS SEBELUM DAN SELEPAS PENJAJAHAN BRITISH: SATU SOROTAN 2023-10-16T06:55:08+00:00 Nor Aisyah Ahmad Hasnah Hussiin <p>Sebelum diduduki oleh British, Negeri Perlis merupakan sebuah negeri yang berdaulat dan mempunyai kekuatan yang tersendiri khususnya dari aspek sosioekonomi. Setiap penjajahan asing pasti akan meninggalkan kesan-kesan terhadap sesebuah negara. Dalam hal ini, Perlis juga tidak terkecuali menerima tempias pembangunan khususnya ekonomi. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada pembangunan ekonomi di Perlis sebelum dan selepas penjajahan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kepustakaan. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan bahawa kesan ekonomi merupakan kesan dominan yang mempengaruhi pembangunan negeri Perlis dalam tempoh sebelum dan selepas penjajahan. Diharapkan kajian ini dapat menyumbang kepada konseptualisasi penyelidikan masa depan mengenai kemajuan sosioekonomi negeri Perlis yang merupakan negeri terawal melaksanakan pembangunan komuniti.</p> <p><em>Before being occupied by the British, the State of Perlis was a sovereign state and had its own strengths, especially from the socio-economic aspect. Every foreign occupation will definitely leave an impact on a country. In this regard, Perlis is also not exempted from receiving development incentives, especially the economy. This study focuses on economic development in Perlis before and after colonialism. This study uses the literature research method. The results show that the economic impact is the dominant impact that affects the development of the state of Perlis in the period before and after colonialism. It is hoped that this study can contribute to the conceptualization of future research on the socioeconomic progress of the state of Perlis which is the earliest state to implement community development.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Author(s)